Policy on Non-Discrimination

The Office of Equity and Diversity is responsible for ensuring that the University is in compliance with all federal and state laws and regulations including, but not limited to, Title VII and Title IX of the Civil Rights Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the Equal Pay Act, and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act.

The Vice President for Equity and Diversity advises faculty, staff, and students on issues related to discrimination, sexual and racial harassment, and disability accommodations. The Vice President for Equity and Diversity serves as intake person for all complaints of discrimination, harassment, or acts of intolerance. All forms for processing discrimination complaints against employees are located in the Office of Equity and Diversity.

LaMar Coleman, Ed.D.                                                                                                                 
Vice President for Equity and Diversity                                                     
Gelsi and Young Administration Building, Room 255                                                          
Telephone (860) 465-5112                                                                                               
Email colemanla@easternct.edu                                                                                         

Brooks Scavone
Director of AccessAbility Services
Wood Support Services Center, Room 200
Telephone (860) 465-5573
E-Mail scavonek@easternct.edu

Article ID: 333
Last updated: 23 Aug, 2023
Revision: 10
Student Affairs -> Student Handbook -> Policies, Procedures, and Statements -> Policy on Non-Discrimination