Installing Adobe Acrobat DC and Creative Cloud Applications

All university-owned Windows computers have the main Adobe Creative Cloud application installed, which manages the individual Adobe applications. However, due to the size, the standard Eastern package only includes some of the individual applications. If the application you need is not on your machine, you may download and install it from the Adobe Creative Cloud Application using the steps below.

Adobe Applications include the following:

Installing the Main Creative Cloud Application for Home Use Installation

If you are trying to get Adobe applications for home use, you will first need to download and install the main Creative Cloud Application from the following link and then follow the rest of the instructions:

NOTE: These products are provided to faculty and staff at no cost to them. If during the process, you are prompted to pay for anything, then you have made an error. 

Link to download the main Creative Cloud Application (Home Use Installation Only):

Instructions for Eastern-owned machines or home use machines after installing the main Creative Cloud Application:

  1. Launch the Creative Cloud Application from your Start Menu

  2. Enter your email address and choose Company or School Account when prompted

  3. Enter your email address as the username and your Eastern Email password whenever prompted.

  4. Click on Apps to see the list of Apps you can download and install.

Article ID: 467
Last updated: 15 Nov, 2021
Revision: 29
ITS -> Software and Hardware -> Installing Adobe Acrobat DC and Creative Cloud Applications