Article ID: 7
Last updated: 7 Dec, 2022
The following will allow you to gain access to your desktop computer from home via the VPN. IMPORTANT: The VPN server will auto disconnect you after either 30 minutes of inactivity, or one hour of connect time. If you still have work to do, you may browse back to the VPN server and sign back in again. Windows PC (Office Mac remote control is not supported but you can control a Office PC from a Home Mac. Jump to Mac Instructions)The computer name can be found from the Office Computer itself or via the VPN both instructions are listed below: Acquire the Computer Name from the computer:
Acquire the Computer Name from the VPN:
Connecting to the Office Computer from the home computer:
Now you can access the office computer from home by clicking on the bookmark you created. Note that the VPN server will prompt with the same policy notice and authentication screen that you would see if you were actually logging in at your desk. If you had locked your workstation, your terminal services session will unlock the station and resume the session. At the end of your terminal services session, you will be given a choice of Disconnect or Log off. If you disconnect, it is the same as if you locked your workstation. If you choose Log Off, it will log you out of your session and close all applications as if you logged off of your workstation in the office. Remote Control an Office PC from a Home Mac
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Article ID: 7
Last updated: 7 Dec, 2022
Revision: 18
Views: 3881
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