Clear Student Attempt in Grade Center

If a student began a submission (test or assignment) that only allows one submission, but was unable to complete it for some reason, the professor can clear the student's attempt so they can try again.  Clearing the attempt allows the student to re-submit the test or assignment again within the availability period. If the availability period is over, there is also a method for creating exceptions depending on the type (assignment, test, etc.)

Note: Before clearing a Test attempt, please make sure to view the student's attempt details and verify the student and the attempt. The process is final and not reversible.

If this is an assessment (test), please make sure to click View Attempts button before you clear the student's attempt:

The attempt will disappear from the screen, click on the Return to Grade Center button.

Article ID: 489
Last updated: 2 Jun, 2020
Revision: 4
ITS -> Blackboard -> Faculty -> Assignments -> Clear Student Attempt in Grade Center