Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase

Alcohol and Drug Policy Attachment A - Possible Disciplinary Action by the University (as dictated by the BOR/SCU Student Code of Conduct)

Article ID: 301
Last updated: 23 Aug, 2023

Disciplinary sanctions that may be imposed by the University include, but are not limited to, any of the following or any combination of the following: expulsion, suspension, disciplinary probation, disciplinary warning, residence hall separation, residence hall probation, and residence hall warning. In cases in which sanctions are imposed for offenses involving damage to, destruction of, or misappropriation of property, agreement by the accused student to make restitution may constitute grounds for mitigation of any sanction imposed.

Alcohol and/or Drug Assessment:

Students who have been found responsible for violating the Eastern restrictions against alcohol or drugs may be required to meet with the Office of Wellness Education and Promotion, the Office of Counseling and Psychological Services, or to complete an online alcohol education program. Depending on the circumstances of the violation(s), sanctions other than those listed above may be imposed. The University reserves the right to impose sanctions not delineated herein as is appropriate.

Parental Notification:

One of the ways the University has implemented to work more closely with parents/guardians is through a parental notification policy. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) permit colleges and universities to inform the parents/guardians of students under the age of 21 when a student is found in violation of university alcohol or drug rules. The Student Conduct Office will notify parents/guardians of students less than 21 years of age when a student is found responsible for violations of the University's alcohol and/or drug policies. This notification will typically be done verbally or in writing. If the parent is present at the student conduct proceeding or if it is known that the parent is aware of the incident, the University may not send a notification letter as these circumstances meet the notification standard. Eastern Connecticut State University will continue to encourage students found responsible for violations to also inform their parents of the incident and the subsequent consequences.

Students who are emancipated have the responsibility to provide the Student Conduct Office with the necessary documentation prior to a finding of responsibility in order for the parental notification to not occur. This is the sole responsibility of the student and a lack of appropriate notification from the student will result in the notification being sent to the permanent address. Although the University will not contact parents/guardians of students who are 21 years of age or older, we will certainly encourage them to do so on their own.

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Article ID: 301
Last updated: 23 Aug, 2023
Revision: 7
Access: Public
Views: 960