Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase

Child and Family Development Resource Center

Article ID: 349
Last updated: 3 Jun, 2021

The mission of the Margaret S. Wilson Child and Family Development Resource Center of Eastern Connecticut State University is to promote the social, emotional, cognitive, language, aesthetics, and physical development of young children of diverse backgrounds, to inspire, support, and educate their families, to provide a model program for future teachers and early childhood professionals, and to serve as a hub of innovative research and professional development.  The Center serves as a laboratory school to Eastern students in education as well as other disciplines.  The facility, serving children 18 months to 5 years, currently has four preschool classrooms and one toddler classroom.  The Center features state of the art technology, playground, gardens, and family resources in order to provide a comprehensive support system of early care and education.

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Article ID: 349
Last updated: 3 Jun, 2021
Revision: 1
Access: Public
Views: 577