Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase


Article ID: 452
Last updated: 27 Jun, 2018

The SABO Voucher form is used to process cash advances and reimbursements. A voucher is a request by the club to have SABO process a check. The club must attach the minutes with the motion that approves the expense and any original supporting documentation. Vouchers are not needed for any payments to be made on a trip as all details of money to be spent will be on the Travel Authorization Form. A voucher is needed when hiring an individual or group on a contract (honorarium or PSA)to request payment once services are rendered. All purchase orders will be made using the Requisition form.

Each voucher also requires the following:

  • Vendor/Payee Information (this is the person who the check or purchase order will be made out to),
  • Proper Signatures - club treasurer, club advisor, the Director of Student Activities, and (if the amount requested is over $2,500.00) the Vice President of Student Affairs. For Hall Association the signatures would be the Hall Director and the Director of Residential Life.
  • Mailing Instructions - Where the check should be mailed or if you would like it to be held so that someone from your organization may pick it up at SABO.
  • Indication of what is being requested - Do you want a cash advance or a reimbursement?
  • Club information - which club is requesting this, what account is it being taken out of (you may list more than one account), and a description of the request
  • And a resolution number (or motion number) and the date on the minutes of the meeting that approved the action recorded on the voucher.
  • Description of the transaction or items to be bought.

All club vouchers are submitted to the Assistant to the Director of Student Activities/Student Organization Assistant who will review the voucher to insure all the required information and documentation is present. If a voucher is improperly completed or if the correct documentation is not attached the club will be notified via their club e-mail.

All housing vouchers are submitted to the Director of Residential Life for review and approval.

This article was:  
Article ID: 452
Last updated: 27 Jun, 2018
Revision: 3
Access: Public
Views: 787