Reverend Paul Doyle (UCC Congregational) 860-423-6827
Father Larry LaPointe (Catholic) 860-423-0856
Rabbi Jeremy Schwartz (Jewish) 860-423-3743
Campus Ministry Office 860-423-0856
Campus Ministry - Eastern
The Foundation for Campus Ministry, Inc. sponsors several part-time campus ministers of major faiths who are available to meet with students on an appointment basis. The Multifaith Campus Ministry is located at Knight House, 2 Windham Street Extension. The Catholic Campus Ministry is located at Newman Hall, 290 Prospect Street. Several faiths and denominations offer worship services, both on and off campus. Please refer to our website for a listing of area churches. The Campus Ministry also collaborates with the University’s Center for Community Engagement on several social action projects for the greater Willimantic area. All programs and services are publicized throughout the campus, including the Student Center, and activities are open to all members of the campus community, regardless of religious affiliation. Stop by one of our ministry offices or visit for more information. All are welcome.

Shawn’s Cupboard is a student-led food pantry, which is open to all Eastern students during the school year and is located at Knight House. Shawn’s Cupboard is a safe space on campus for students who deal with food insecurity because no one can or should learn on an empty stomach. Shawn’s Cupboard is co-sponsored by the Office of Student Affairs and the Foundation for Campus Ministry (“FCM”). The FCM accepts food and monetary donations from friends on campus and in the local community to provide the food and hygiene products available at Shawn’s Cupboard. Shawn’s Cupboard is open M-F from 10am – 5pm. Student volunteer opportunities are available. Call 860-423-0856 for more information.