Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase

Procedure for Students with Disabilities to Request Academic and/or Housing Accommodations

Article ID: 336
Last updated: 2 Aug, 2023

The Office of AccessAbility Services (OAS) guides its work with a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion under the strategic plan of the University and the Division of Student Affairs. Universal Design, Social Model of Disability, and the concept that Disability is Diversity and that access is a human and civil right are also guiding models within the OAS. OAS provides guidance to ensure equal access to all educational programs and activities at Eastern. The OAS facilitates accommodations and support services to over 700 students with documented disabilities and temporary injuries.

The philosophy and mission of OAS is to facilitate both identification and removal of barriers (systemic, physical, attitudinal, institutional, and internalized) that impact folks with disabilities on Eastern's campus. The removal of barriers will promote the full participation and ensure access of individuals with disabilities. This will create a campus climate and culture that supports Disability is Diversity."

Steps to Registering with the OAS 

  1. Submit Documentation of Disability
    Eastern students can register with the OAS using the Student Self-Disclosure Form link  https://easternct-accommodate.symplicity.com/public_accommodation/ to submit documentation of a disability. 
  2. Check Your Eastern Email to Confirm Intake Appointment
    After your documentation has been submitted and reviewed by OAS staff, you will receive an email on your Eastern email account. If your documentation is sufficient, an OAS staff member will schedule an intake appointment with you through email.
  3. Attend the Intake Appointment
    The intake appointment consists of discussing potential barriers, securing paperwork and reviewing accommodations that promote full participation. During this appointment, an OAS staff member will discuss protocols and the process of requesting accommodations each semester.
  4. Request Accommodations Each Semester
    Please note that academic accommodations must be requested each semester, as they do not roll over. OAS staff will discuss this process with you during your intake appointment.
  5. Keep Documentation Updated
    OAS staff might ask you to submit updated documentation if your documentation if it is not current. Additional information regarding documentation can be found on the OAS website, under "Documentation Guidelines.

The Office of AccessAbility Services (OAS)
Main Office: Wood Support Services Center, 2nd Floor
Phone: (860) 465-0189
Fax: (860) 465-0136
Email: AccessAbility@easternct.edu

This article was:  
Article ID: 336
Last updated: 2 Aug, 2023
Revision: 8
Access: Public
Views: 431