Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase

Payment of Tuition and Fee Bills

Article ID: 391
Last updated: 23 Aug, 2023

As with any school or institution, there are many rules and regulations regarding tuition and fees. If you or your family members have questions about any of the following information, please call the Bursar’s Office in the Alvin B. Wood Support Services Center at ext. 55255, or off-campus at (860) 465-5255. 

Non-Payment of Bill:

If you fail to pay your student account bill or any monies due and owing Eastern Connecticut State University by the scheduled due date, Eastern Connecticut State University may place a financial hold on your student account, preventing you from future course registration and/or receipt of other University services, transcripts of grades or other official papers.  Eastern Connecticut State University may assess a late payment charge in the amount of $50.

Your account may be referred to a collection agency and the university may no longer accept direct payments. You are responsible for paying the collection agency fee which may be based on a percentage at a maximum of fifteen percent (15%) of your delinquent account balance, together with all costs and expenses necessary for the collection of your delinquent account.  Your delinquent account may also be reported to one or more of the national credit bureaus.

When Financial Aid Awards are received, they will be automatically applied to the student account. Students may pay by cash, check, American Express, MasterCard, Discover card or through a tuition-payment plan. Credit Card payments can only be made on-line via your student account and will be assessed a 2.95% convenience fee. Eastern also offers a monthly payment plan where you can pay your semester's bill in up to 5 monthly installments. For more information go to: https://www.easternct.edu/fiscal-affairs/bursar/the-eastern-payment-plan.html
Returned Checks:

If a check made out to Eastern is returned for any reason, a $20 bad-check penalty will be posted to your account, along with the outstanding balance. The Bursar’s Office will place a restriction on your account until payment is received. If a check is returned, Eastern reserves the right to ask that payment be made by certified check, bank check, money order, or cash.   Students who repeatedly issue bad checks will be reported to Campus Police and subject to Student Conduct action.

Refund Policy:

A student wishing to withdraw from Eastern must coordinate the withdrawal through the Advising Center. This is important because the date on the withdrawal form filed with the Advising Center becomes the student’s official withdrawal date, which affects the refunding of fees. Tuition, State University fee, University General fee, Student Activity Fee, and the balance of housing fees are refundable as follows:

Refund Policies for Full-Time Fees:

  • Application Fee: Nonrefundable
  • Admissions Binder: Nonrefundable $200 (applied to tuition fee)
  • Housing Binder: Nonrefundable $250 (applied to housing fee)
  • Tuition and Fees:
    • Prior to the first day of classes: 100%
    • During the first week of classes: 90%
    • During the second week of classes: 60%
    • During the third and fourth week of classes: 40%
    • No refund after the fourth week of classes
  • Housing Fees:
  • Prior to the first day of classes: 100%
  • During the first week of classes: 90%
  • During the second week of classes: 60%
  • During the third and fourth week of classes: 40%
  • No refund after the fourth week of classes

Annual Housing Contract:

Eastern has an annual housing contract, which binds students to campus housing for the entire academic year (fall and spring semesters) when a student pays the non-refundable housing deposit and/or completes the housing application and receives a housing assignment. New incoming and returning students have until June 30th to cancel their request for housing for the upcoming academic year. New incoming spring semester students and new requests for housing for continuing students in the spring have until December 1st to cancel their request for housing. After those dates, students must file an appeal to request to be released from the contract. If the Housing Cancellation Review Committee does not approve a request to be released, the student remains assigned to housing and is responsible for paying all fees associated with housing.  Any student removed from living on campus in a residence hall for disciplinary reasons via the University's Student Conduct process shall not be issued any refund of any Housing fees.

For more information and the appeal forms, please visit this link, http://www1.easternct.edu/housing/annual-contract/.

Meal Plans*:

  • Meal Plan refunds are made on a prorated basis only upon withdrawal from the University or upon withdrawal from University housing, at the option of the student and with concurrence of the University.

*No refund of housing or meal plan fees will be made for weekend absences or meals missed.

NOTE: Refunds for students receiving financial aid under Title IV are made according to Public Law 102-325, Section 484B, of the Higher Education Amendments. 

Check or cash payments on student accounts should be mailed or delivered to the Bursar’s Office:

Eastern Connecticut State University
83 Windham Street
Willimantic, CT 06226-2295
c/o Bursar’s Office, Wood Support Services Building
Phone: on campus at ext. 55255, or off-campus at (860) 465-5255 

This article was:  
Article ID: 391
Last updated: 23 Aug, 2023
Revision: 12
Access: Public
Views: 2933