Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase

Student Fashion Show Policy

Article ID: 693
Last updated: 23 Feb, 2024

1.   All student clubs and organizations must have an advisor present while using Shafer Auditorium as a reserved space. This includes but is not limited to practices, dress rehearsals, tech rehearsals and day of the event. If an advisor cannot be present, the reservation/event will be cancelled.

2.   The day of the event should be staffed by the Executive Board, and the club advisor. Security presences is necessary if outside guests are invited to attend.  The Executive Board is also responsible for the use of and condition of the space and clean up.

3.   Practices can occur no more than twice per week except for the week of the main event. Each practice should not exceed 2 hours in duration and should commence by 11pm.

4.   There can only be one Fashion Show in a given month and should be spread out at least 3 weeks from another show. This will prevent schedule conflicts, space availability, competition, and remove the cluster of practices that students are required to attend. Approval for event dates are on a first come, first served basis and will not be reviewed earlier than 8 months prior to event date request.

5.   Fashion Shows should not exceed the approved budget amount provided by the Budget and Management Committee. Co-sponsorship must be established and outlined on FRPs before BAM funds are allocated.

6.   A Fashion Show will only be approved with the expectation that it aligns with the club or organization mission statement.

7.   All articles of clothing and props purchased with University funding should be properly stored in the club closet and reviewed each year for re-use or donation.

8.   Designers should be contracted on a volunteer bases and should not be paid using University funding.

This article was:  
Article ID: 693
Last updated: 23 Feb, 2024
Revision: 1
Access: Public
Views: 93