Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase

Library Services

Article ID: 277
Last updated: 12 Jul, 2022

Janice Wilson, Director of Library Services, (860) 465-4466
www.easternct.edu/library, Toll-free: (877) 587-8693

The J. Eugene Smith Library offers services that will help you find, access, and use relevant electronic and print resources that lead to academic success and personal growth.  Professional librarians are here to guide and support use of online databases (130+) consisting of full-text articles (1000s) that can be accessed 24/7 from on or off campus, and print and media collections including over 400,000 books, eBooks, DVDs, CDs, and 500+ journals. Besides research support, access to the Internet, Microsoft and other applications, printing, scanning, and wireless connectivity is available as well as a safe and comfortable space for study and collaboration.

Reference librarians, experts in helping you discover the best resources for your research needs, are readily available via chat, email, phone, GradesFirst or on a walk-up basis at the Reference Desk.  Our informative Research Guides, accessible 24/7, describe how to find books, articles, and databases on specific academic subjects. There are also Guides on how to search, how to cite, how to get started using the Library, and more.

Information Literacy
Information literacy instruction sessions are available in the classrooms, in the Library’s User Education computer classroom, and by appointment with a Reference Librarian. The skills and concepts covered, namely, how to evaluate information, how to formulate inquiries, how to search strategically and ultimately how to create it, make it highly advantageous for all students to take advantage of these services. In collaboration with faculty, we also offer subject- or course- specific resource instruction sessions.

The Circulation Desk is open 94 hours per week, seven days a week. An Eastern ID is required to borrow materials, including circulating books and media, study room keys, course reserves, and laptops. The online circulation system allows you to access your Library Patron Account and view your loans, due dates, renew materials, see pending requests and overdue fines.   

Get it Services
The Library offers two free services that allow you to expand your research beyond Eastern. Request books from the CSCU Consortium through the online catalog. Request books and articles from libraries nationwide through Interlibrary Loan/ILLiad (ILL).

Course Reserves
A selection of textbooks and other required course materials are available for short-term loan from the Circulation Desk with an Eastern ID. The Library and faculty collaborate to provide this service as another option for students to access course materials.

Study Rooms
The Library offers several spaces for group collaboration and individual study. Room reservations are made on a walk-up basis or can be reserved in advance online. Room keys are checked out at the Circulation Desk with your Eastern ID.  

Government Documents

The collection consists of publications published by the U.S. Federal government and the State of Connecticut. They are made available in a variety of formats, including online, and can be located using the Library’s online catalog.

Connecticut Studies

The Center collects primary and secondary source materials on the state’s history and development, with a particular focus on Windham, Tolland, and New London counties. 

Curriculum Services
The Curriculum Collection supports pre K-12 teacher education program. Staff introduce and demonstrate to patrons how to incorporate material and technology found in the center into their course assignments and classrooms.  They offer information literacy instruction sessions, one-on-one “Reserve a Librarian,” readers’ advisory services to education majors and faculty, as well as workshops and yearly events with outside speakers.  Staff also maintain services at a small library at the Child and Family Development Resource Center, called “Ella’s Library Nook-A Special Place for Family Reading Time.”

Center for University Archives & Special Collections

The Center appraises, collects, preserves, organizes, and provides access to records, print material, photographs, memorabilia, and other historically valuable materials relating to the history of Eastern Connecticut State University. Archival material supports administration, faculty, student and public needs for information and primary sources.

For more information, visit, call (860-465-4506 Circulation, 860-465-4699 Reference), chat, email, or visit the Library’s web site at www.easternct.edu/library.  

This article was:  
Article ID: 277
Last updated: 12 Jul, 2022
Revision: 12
Access: Public
Views: 1070