Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase

Student Use of State Vehicles

Article ID: 445
Last updated: 27 Jun, 2018

Only students who are employees of the University may drive state vehicles. Drivers must have a valid motor vehicle operator's license. To reserve a state vehicle for a club/organization, an e-mail must be sent to the Student Organization Assistant. The information required is on the Student Activities web site. The Student Organization Assistant will submit a request (via email) to the Vehicle Coordinator in the Sports Center. The request will need to be sent at least two business days in advance (out-of-state requests must be sent at least one month in advance) of the planned departure date. A completed TA must be on record in Student Activities prior to the request being sent. Confirmation or denial of the request will be sent to the club/organization e-mail. **Please refer to the Eastern vehicle request policy.**

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Article ID: 445
Last updated: 27 Jun, 2018
Revision: 1
Access: Public
Views: 235