Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase

Travel - Trips and Conferences

Article ID: 449
Last updated: 27 Jun, 2018

All clubs and organizations making in state or out of state trips must have permission from the Vice President for Student Affairs (or designee) and the Director of Student Activities/Residence Life (or designee). Requests should be submitted at least two (2) weeks prior to departure to allow for proper processing.
A TA (Travel Authorization Form) is required by all clubs and organizations when traveling as a club activity, whether it is in state or out of state, even if there are no expenses incurred. When a club is going out of state or when staying overnight on an in state trip, an advisor must accompany the group.  Please note.  If your TA is not received by SABO at least two weeks before your trip, a travel advance will not be processed.

A CSU Travel Authorization form must be completed by the club (and authorized by the club advisor). Attached to the form, there must be a roster of all the individuals traveling and itineraries and/or schedules, which provide the necessary detail for each vendor. Only if these forms are completed and fully signed before a trip is undertaken will payment for travel related expenses be made. Forms are available on the Student Activities website.

You can request that the University prepay items such as conference registration, hotels, airfare, and admission tickets. All requests for prepaid items should be recorded on the Travel Authorization.  Supporting documents such as hotel invoices, registration forms, and airfare confirmations must be attached to the TA when submitting to SABO.  Cash advances can be taken for things like meals, cab fare, or tolls, and must be reconciled with original receipts marked "PAID" and returned to SABO to document expenses. The individual receiving the advance must reconcile the advance within fifteen (15) business days after the completion of the trip

Per Diem rates (meal allowance) may be established by the club or organization, as long as the per diem rates established by the club, do not exceed the State’s per diem rates and funds are available.  For clubs that receive allocations from BAM, advances for meals will be charged to the club’s fundraising account, per BAM’s policies.

If traveling by personally owned vehicle, you must include a copy of the Declarations Page from your automobile insurance policy for the period of the trip. This declarations page must show that you maintain insurance in the minimum liability amount of $50,000/$100,000 and $5,000 in property damage or a minimum of $100,000 for bodily injury and property damage. The No Fault card issued by your insurance company cannot be substituted for the declarations page.

Please deliver the completed CSU Travel Authorization form, roster, copy of Declarations Page of insurance policy, and minutes to SABO for verification and finalization. All TA’s must be reviewed and signed by the Travel Officer in Accounts Payable for approval, before any payments or purchase orders will be processed.  Documentation regarding the purpose of the trip must be included with the TA.

This article was:  
Article ID: 449
Last updated: 27 Jun, 2018
Revision: 4
Access: Public
Views: 820