Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase

Counseling and Psychological Services

Article ID: 267
Last updated: 14 Aug, 2024

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

Director: Dr. Bryce Crapser, Licensed Psychologist, Licensed Professional Counselor

Licensed Counselors: Christi Craig,LCSW; Dr. Vicki DeVeau, LCSW; Dr. Greg Betz, Licensed Psychologist

Post-Graduate Counseling Fellows: Meradith Ganow, LPCA; Joseph Mongillo, LPCA

Graduate Trainees: Pippa Le Cesne Byrne, Cara G. Murphy, Arielle Solomon, Angela Wang

Psychiatric APRN: Andrea Reischrel, APRN

Part Time Counselors: Emily Reyes, LCSW, Melonie Bland, LPC, Ta’Shema Odoms, LPC 

Administrative Assistant: Monica O'Connor, (860) 465-0181 or via email at oconnorm@easternct.edu

Location: 4th Floor, Webb Hall


Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) promotes the psychological well-being, personal achievement, and personal growth of Eastern's students. CAPS services are provided at no additional charge to undergraduate and graduate students registered for the semester in which they are seeking services. The Center offers individual and group counseling, crisis intervention, and psychiatric evaluations, as well as consultation and outreach services for the University Community. Some of the more common concerns for which students seek counseling include depression and anxiety; relationship difficulties with friends, roommates, or family members; and academic problems. The primary goal of counseling is to help students overcome personal, emotional, and psychological issues and develop ways that will allow them to take advantage of the educational opportunities and reach their academic goals at Eastern.

All information shared in the CAPS is confidential and counseling records are kept separate from academic records. No information about contacts with the Center may be released without a student's written permission, except in cases in which a student is deemed to present a danger to self or others.

CAPS staff includes Licensed Psychologists and a Licensed Professional Counselor, Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSW), two Post-Graduate Fellows in Counseling, and advanced graduate students in Counseling Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Clinical Mental Health Counseling and/or Social Work graduate programs. CAPS Staff can help facilitate referrals to other professionals or community mental health agencies when necessary.

Students seeking services are encouraged to visit our main office in the 4th floor of Webb, check our website, or call for more information. Appointments can be made by calling 860-465-0181 (ext. 50181 if calling on-campus), Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Students in crisis can utilize Urgent hours, Monday to Friday, 1pm to 3pm.

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Article ID: 267
Last updated: 14 Aug, 2024
Revision: 23
Access: Public
Views: 1966