Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase

Policy Governing Student Events Open to the Public

Article ID: 330
Last updated: 26 Jul, 2024

At the beginning of each academic year, all student organizations planning to have events open to the public will meet with the University Police Department staff to discuss this policy. When an organization decides to sponsor a specific event open to the public, its representative will be required to meet with the director of Public Safety or designee and the vice president for student affairs or designee at least 14 days before their scheduled event occurs to plan for the event and arrange for police coverage.

1. The event must be registered and approved by the appropriate University office. If admission is charged, the organization must secure admission tickets and related paperwork from the Student Activities Office no later than two days prior to the event.

2. The number of individuals admitted shall not exceed the posted capacity of that venue. In addition, the capacity for a particular event may be reduced at the discretion of campus police and/or the vice president for student affairs or designee.

3. The organization's advisor must be present at the event for its duration.

4. All fire laws and policies will be observed including not blocking entrances or exits to the facilities used for the event.

5. For student-sponsored events, Eastern students will be admitted by presenting a valid Eastern ID when requested. All other attendees must be required to provide state issued photo identification when requested. (School IDs will not be accepted.)

6. For Eastern dances/parties:
    a. Mandatory attendance at meeting with Student Activities Staff on hosting events (dates will be coordinated by the Student Activities Office)
    b. The presence and number of University Police will be governed by law and at the discretion of the University   Police Chief.
    c.  The University reserves the right to restrict the event as appropriate, including denials of readmission once the event has started.
    d.  Admittance will be by a valid Eastern ID only. Eastern students may sign in one guest per eastern ID
    e. Monitoring Procedures: (for night of function)
        i. A record of every attendee will be kept and managed by Student Center Staff
        ii. Different color admission bands will be distributed for Eastern students and guests
        iii. Mandatory door closing at 11:30 pm; anyone arriving after 11:30 will not be permitted regardless of attendance numbers. There is no re-entry.
        iv. Metal detectors, under the supervision of the University Police Department, will be used.
        v. Campus Police make rounds inside the BTR
        vi. No person attending the event will be allowed to bring in bags or backpacks. Pocketbooks and similar accessories will be subject to inspection.
        vii. The sponsoring organization's members working the event are required to wear identifying clothing or accessories.

This article was:  
Article ID: 330
Last updated: 26 Jul, 2024
Revision: 6
Access: Public
Views: 420