Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase


Article ID: 437
Last updated: 27 Jun, 2018

Club E-Mail: Each club/organization is equipped with a club e-mail account. All e-mail correspondence from within the University (administration, students, technical support) will be directed to the club e-mail account, not the students's individual e-mails. The club e-mail account should be used when corresponding with any outside vendors as well. Officers within each club/organization are responsible for checking their club e-mail on a regular basis in order to respond to University communications and student inquiries. Any issues with the club e-mail including requests to reset the password should be directed to the Assistant to the Director of the Student Center/Activites, Student Organization Assistant.

Z-Drives: Each club/organization's e-mail address automatically comes with z-drive space on the university network. The club secretary should save minutes from each meeting onto the respective club's z-drive and send copies to those listed under the Minutes of Meeting section of this manual. It is the responsibility of the club president to pass on the login information when new officers are elected each year. Any issues should be reported immediately to the Assistant to the Director/Student Organization Assistant in Student Activities.

Office Supplies: Office supplies are available free of charge to SGA-sponsored clubs. These supplies are provided by the Budget and Management Committee (BAM). A variety of supplies are available including poster board, markers, paper, envelopes, paper clips, rubber bands, and a variety of duplicating supplies. Only officers of the clubs are allowed access to these supplies.

Telephone: A telephone is available in the SGA Office for use by clubs sponsored by the SGA. Check the SGA door for office hours or see the Student Activities Staff. Personal phone calls charged to the University or other unauthorized use by student club members is prohibited. Individuals making such calls will be held personally responsible for charges and could lose telephone privileges.

Mail: All student club mail will be received and distributed by the Student Center Information Desk Workers. All student club outgoing mail postage is funded by the SGA. Organizations should bring mailings to the Information Desk in the Student Center for mail room pickup.

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Article ID: 437
Last updated: 27 Jun, 2018
Revision: 1
Access: Public
Views: 332