Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase

ECSU Response to Copyright Infringement

Article ID: 41
Last updated: 11 Jul, 2017

How Does Eastern Respond to Copyright Infringement Notices?

Copyright holders and their agents search the Internet for copies of their material that is illegally being made available for sharing via P2P software. When they find such activity they are able to identify the IP address of the computer sharing their material. They may then contact the network provider, in this case the CSU System, issuing a copyright infringement notice requesting that action be taken to prevent further infringement of their copyright. They may also begin a process which may result in the payment of a substantial infringement fee or the initiation of a criminal charges.

When Eastern receives a copyright infringement notice, the network access of the computer associated with the IP address included in the notice is restricted and its access to the Internet is blocked. Residence Life is notified of the restriction and a campus conduct process is begun. A hearing occurs to determine if the student has violated the University's policies regarding illegal file sharing. If a violation has occurred, disciplinary sanctions may be imposed. Sanctions include any of the following or any combination of the following: expulsion, suspension, disciplinary probation, disciplinary warning, residence hall separation, residence hall probation and residence hall warning. (Student Code of Conduct, Part V Disciplinary Sanctions)

Internet access remains blocked until a formal recommendation for access reinstatement is issued through the conduct process.

Students are subject to federal and state copyright laws in addition to University regulations and policies. The consequences in copyright infringement are significant. See this section for a summary of possible University sanctions and civil and criminal penalties for violation copyrights: Article 42: Consequences of Copyright Infringement

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Article ID: 41
Last updated: 11 Jul, 2017
Revision: 5
Access: Public
Views: 278
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