Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase

Night Deposit of Money Procedure

Article ID: 426
Last updated: 27 Jun, 2018

A night deposit drop box has been installed next to the Cashiers service windows for deposits made on the weekends or after 4:00 p.m. during the work week. Clubs and organizations will be given a tamper evident bank bag and a deposit slip at the time they pick up a cash box from the Cashiers Office. The deposit slip and the bank bag will be completed with all available information at that time (coding, activity, club name).
At the end of the event, the money should be counted by two members to verify accuracy of the deposit. After counting, fill in the amount on the deposit slip and have the same two members sign the deposit slip. The deposit slip, the money, and any receipts (if issued) should be placed in the tamper evident bank bag.

Complete all the information on the front of the bank bag. Include Club/Organization name and date. Also include a contact phone number on the Store/Location line in case there are any questions. Keep the CUSTOMER RECEIPT from the red release liner for your records. Seal the bag only when you are certain that everything is in it. If you open the bag after it has been sealed, it cannot be reused. Complete a new bag and enclose your deposit along with the compromised bag.

When the deposit is ready, a club member should contact Campus Police by calling the dispatcher at ext 55310 (or 860-465-5310) to request an Officer to meet them at (or escort them to, if needed) the Wood Support Service Center. The Officer will grant the member access to the building and proceed with them to the night deposit drop box. The Officer will unlock the security bar on the night deposit drop box for the member to make the deposit.

After the deposit has been processed by the Cashiers Office, a copy of the deposit slip will be mailed to the club/organization. If there are any discrepancies or if you do not receive a copy of the deposit slip, contact the SABO office at ext 55285.

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Article ID: 426
Last updated: 27 Jun, 2018
Revision: 1
Access: Public
Views: 547