Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase

Combining, Modifying and Bookmarking PDFs - Adobe Acrobat Tutorials

Article ID: 590
Last updated: 12 Nov, 2020

The following link contains information from Adobe about modifying pdf files using Adobe Acrobat DC.

This article requires the full version of Adobe Acrobat DC (not Acrobat Reader). All university-owned Windows computers have the main Adobe Creative Cloud application installed, which manages the individual Adobe applications. If Acrobat DC is not on your machine, you may download and install it from the Adobe Creative Cloud Application using the steps in Article 467: Installing Adobe Creative Cloud Applications. Additionally, faculty and staff have home use rights and may install the applications on their personally owned machines. There is no cost, if at any point in the process, you are asked to pay, please review the steps and try again. 

Adobe Acrobat DC

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Article ID: 590
Last updated: 12 Nov, 2020
Revision: 4
Access: Public
Views: 3891
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