Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase

How to Sign an Adobe Sign Document

Article ID: 656
Last updated: 29 Jan, 2021

These are general instructions for signing a document sent via Adobe Sign.

Sign via email link

  1. Click the link provided in the Review and sign e-mail.
    Review and sign button

  1. On the resulting window follow the prompts. Click in the fields and enter any requested information. (This requirement does not exist on all documents.)
  2. If presented with a signature field, click in the signature field. A pop-up window appears. (The pop-up may only appear once after setting up your signature for the first time.)
    • NOTE: Click on your signature to reaccess the pop-up window.
  3. You are presented with 4 options at the top of the pop-up window to sign the document.
    1. Type: type your name on the line
    2. Draw: draw your name using the mouse or using a touch screen
    3. Image: upload an image file of your signature
    4. Mobile: enter a mobile number and use your mobile device as a touchpad to enter your signature (follow the onscreen and text instructions provided) 
      Signing link
  4. When you are satisfied with your signature, click Apply.
  5. To finalize the process and to submit your signature click the Click to Sign button.


Sign via the Manage page on Adobe Sign console

  1. Log into your Adobe Sign console through your Eastern O365 application portal page. 
  2. Go to the Manage page and select the Waiting for You filter in the left rail. Single-click the agreement you want to sign and click the View & Sign button.
    select agreement
  3. On the resulting window follow the prompts. Click in the fields and enter any requested information. (This requirement does not exist on all documents.)
  4. If presented with a signature field, click in the signature field. A pop-up window appears. (The pop-up may only appear once after setting up your signature for the first time.)
    • NOTE: Click on your signature to reaccess the pop-up window.
  5. You are presented with 4 options at the top of the pop-up window to sign the document.
    1. Type: allows for typing your name on the line
    2. Draw: draw your name using the mouse or using a touch screen
    3. Image: upload an image file of your signature
    4. Mobile: enter a mobile number and use your mobile device as a touchpad to enter your signature (follow the onscreen and text instructions provided) 
      Signing link
  6. When you are satisfied with your signature, click Apply.
  7. To finalize the process and to submit your signature click the Click to Sign button.
This article was:  
Article ID: 656
Last updated: 29 Jan, 2021
Revision: 4
Access: Public
Views: 1116