Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase

Banner Data Entry Standards

Article ID: 206
Last updated: 20 Feb, 2015

 Eastern Connecticut State University
Banner Data Entry Standards

These standards were developed to ensure consistency and data integrity.

Due to the integrated nature of Banner, data is shared across modules. (Alumni/Development, Finance, Financial Aid, Human Resources, and Student). A record at the University could belong to more than one system. For example, the record of a person who received an undergraduate degree, who is currently pursuing a graduate degree, and is an employee of the University would have general person data shared by three different systems: Alumni/Development, Student and Human Resources.

Record Custodianship
General Standards


Record Custodianship:

Employee other than a Student Employee Human Resources/Payroll
Employment Applicant Human Resources
Student Registrar's Office
Student Applicant (Undergraduate) Admissions Office
Student Applicant (Graduate) Graduate Admissions
Vendor Purchasing/Accounts Payable
Alumnus Alumni Office
Friend of the University/Donor Institutional Advancement
Foundation/Corporation Institutional Advancement

Note: A record (person and non-person) may have more than one active/current association with the University (i.e., employee and student; vendor and donor). The University requires that in shared record situations, the general person/non-person name and address will always reflect the legal name and mailing address.

General Standards:

  • The pound sign (#), asterisk (*), apostrophe ('), ampersand (&) and comma (,) are NOT to be used in any data field.
  • Data is entered using title-case format (uppercase and lowercase letters) following standard capitalization rules.
  • Abbreviations are seldom used. Spell out the entire word. Only abbreviate if there is limited space.
    Exception: Post Office Box should be entered as P.O. Box


  • All dates are converted and stored in the format DD-MMM-YY.
  • Hyphens must be used between day-month and month-year. Example: January 17, 1973 (1/17/73) becomes 17-Jan-73

Current Identification:

Identification Number:

  • Person and Non-persons: All identification numbers consists of a unique nine-digit number.
    Do not use dashes.
  • Person: (Individual) The social security number will be used as the ID number. If the individual requests that their SSN not be used as their ID number, then a system generated ID number will be assigned, which is in the form of GXXXXXXXX. Note: The individual's social security number will be recorded in the SSN field regardless if it is used as the ID number or not.
  • Non-persons: (Companies/Organizations) The Federal Identification Number (FEIN) will be used. If a FEIN has not been provided, a system-generated number will be assigned, which is in the form of GXXXXXXXX.

Identification number corrections:

  • If you've made an error in the identification number when adding a person or non-person, the process for correcting is as follows:
  • Change the ID field in the Current Identification block to read correctly. Save your change.
  • Click on the "Alternate Names/Ids" option to the left of the screen.
  • Click the Alternate Remove button on the record where the Change field is 'ID' and the Activity Date is today's date. Save your changes. Roll back.
  • If you discover an error in the identification number on a record that already exists, make the changes, but do not remove the previous id that is in error. Do a screen print of the record and notify your supervisor of the change.
  • Supervisors: check SUASYST to see if the record belongs to any other modules and contact applicable supervisor to verify that the incorrect ID can be deleted.

Name Type:

Code Description Definition of Use
AKA Alias/Nickname Used for Vendors with other names
GRAD Graduation Name Name at time of graduation (used by Registrar only)
MAID Maiden Name Self-explanatory
PREV Previous Name Self-explanatory
SPEC Name Contains Symbols Used as an alert that the legal name contains symbols that can not be entered in the Banner field. Example: accent over a letter.

Last Name:

  • Use the legal last name.

  • Use title-case format (uppercase/lowercase letters), following standard capitalization rules.

  • Spaces, apostrophes and hyphens are permitted if part of the legal name.

  • Do not use titles, prefixes and suffixes in the name fields. There are data fields for prefixes and suffixes.

Examples: Mc Donald Van Husen

MacPearson De La Rosa

La Pine Van der Linden

St John Cooper-Smith

della Toria Anderson Johnson

First Name:

  • Use the legal first name.
  • Use title-case format (uppercase/lowercase letters), following standard capitalization rules.
  • Spaces, apostrophes and hyphens are permitted if part of the legal name.
  • When a single character is designated as the first name and followed by a middle name, place the single character (followed with a period) in the first name field and place the full middle name in the middle name field. Complete the name entry information by entering the preferred first name in the preferred name field.
    Example: R. Maureen Brown ...preferred first name is Maureen
    F. Robert Smith ...preferred first name is Robert

Preferred First Name:

  • When a person prefers to be addressed as something other than a derivative of their legal first name, enter that name in the Preferred First Name field. This field should also be used when the first name starts with an initial. Example: S. Paul Smith ...preferred name field: Paul
  • If no preferred name is given, leave the field blank.
  • Use title-case format (uppercase/lowercase letters), following standard capitalization rules.
  • Spaces, apostrophes and hyphens are permitted if part of the legal name.

Middle Name or Initial:

  • Enter legal middle name. If entering an initial (ONLY if the full middle name has not been provided), the initial is followed by a period.
  • If no middle name exists leave blank.
  • Use title-case format (uppercase/lowercase letters), following standard capitalization rules.
  • Spaces, apostrophes and hyphens are permitted if part of the legal name.


  • Prefixes are entered in the prefix title field, not in any of the name fields.
  • A period follows the prefix abbreviation.
  • Use title-case format (uppercase/lowercase letters), following standard capitalization rules.
  • If no prefix is provided the default is Mr. or Ms.
Code Description
1st Lt.  First Lieutenant
Adm.  Admiral


Br. Brother (Religious)
Capt. Captain
Cmdr. Commander
Col. Colonel
Dean University Dean (includes Assistant and Associate)
Dr. Doctor (Medical & Educator)
Fr.  Father (Religious)
Gen. General
Gov.  Governor
Hon. Honorable (Cabinet Officer, Commissioner, Congressmen, Judge, Supreme Court, United Nations US Delegate, Major, Senator and Representative
Lt. Col. Lieutenant Colonel
Maj. Major
M.Sgt. Major Sargent
Miss Single Women
Mr. Mister
Mrs. Married Women
Ms. Single or Married Women
Prof. Professor (includes Assistant and Associate)
Rabbi Rabbi
Rev. Reverend

Sister (Religious)


  • Suffixes are entered in the Suffix title field, not in any of the name fields.

  • The suffix should reflect person wishes, if known.

  • Do not use a suffix for Doctor, Attorney, etc. Instead enter the appropriate prefix in the prefix field.

  • Example: For "Mr. Donald M. Peterson, M.D." enter as: Prefix field: Dr. Suffix field: (leave empty)

  • Use title-case format (uppercase/lowercase letters), following standard capitalization rules.

  • Note, most standard Banner reports and processes do not look at suffix (or prefix). The forms in Banner pull first, middle and last name only not the suffix, i.e. Jr. Sr. II, III.

Code Description
II The Second
III The Third
IV The Fourth
CPA Certified Public Accountant
 D.D.S. Doctor of Dental Medicine*
Esq. Esquire
J.D. Jurist Doctor*
Jr. Junior
LL.D. Doctor of Laws*
M.D. Doctor of Medicine*
PhD Doctorate*
Ret. Retired from Arm Forces
RN Registered Nurse
Sr. Senior

*Preference given to prefix standards unless the individual requests both due to salutation protocol.

Entering a Name Change:

  • If the name change is merely a spelling correction or changing the middle initial to spell-out the middle name:

  • make the change and save it.

  • Click on the "Alternate Names/Ids" option to the left of the screen.

  • Locate the incorrect record to be deleted. Click on the Alternate Remove button.

  • If it is a valid change of name, then just make and save the change.

  • If you know the Name Type, then click on the "Alternate Names/Ids" option, find the original name, and fill in the appropriate Name Type (example: MAID - Maiden Name).

Non-person/Vendor Name:

  • Use the legal name.

  • Data is to be entered using title-case format (uppercase/lowercase letters), using standard capitalization rules.

  • Avoid abbreviations. Only abbreviate if space is limited (i.e., Co., Corp., Ltd., Inc.).

  • Hyphens, apostrophes, ampersands and periods are used if part of the legal name.

  • Acronyms will NOT be used unless that is the only way the company is identified or if space is limited. Note, Banner includes an area for aliases.


Address Information:

Address Types:

Banner permits multiple addresses to be entered for a person or vendor. The use of each address type is defined so that conflicts do not arise among the functional areas. (Because name and address data are shared by all areas, custodial relationships are in place).

Active Student Registrar's Office
Student Applicant (Undergraduate) Admissions Office
Student Applicant (Graduate) Graduate Admissions
Vendor Purchasing/Accounts Payable
Employee Human Resources/Payroll Office
Alumnus Alumni Office
Friend of the University/Donor Institutional Advancement
Foundation/Corporation Institutional Advancement
  • All person records will be initialized with the MA/mailing address. The official mailing address of the person.

  • All non-person records will be initialized with the BU/mailing address. The official business mailing address of the company.

  • There are some restrictions in Banner on how addresses can be used within each system.

  • The student system permits an address hierarchy to be used when printing reports. For instance, when billing statements are processed, Banner can first search for a billing address and then a permanent address.

  • The finance system can have multiple entries for the same address type, distinguished with sequence numbers. This allows for multiple locations for a single company for a single address type such as remit to address.

  • The human resources system can only use one address type when generating payroll checks.
Code Description Definition of Use
MA Mailing Primary Address to Reach a Person by Mail
BU  Business Most Current Address to Reach a Company/Organization by Mail
Employment Address of a Person (**see standards for ECSU employee BU address**)
B2 Second Business Organization Record Home Address of Primary Contact
Individual Record - Second Employment Address
BI Billing Billing Address for a Student if different from MA
CA Student Campus Student's Resident Hall Address
LO Student Off-Campus Student's Off-Campus/In-Semester Address if different from MA
PA Parent/Guardian Student's Home/Permanent Address if different from MA
PN Parent Student's Non-custodian Parent's Address
SE Seasonal  Alumni/Donor's who maintain two homes (i.e. "snowbirds")
TE  Temporary Employee's Temporary Address if different from mailing
TP Third Party Billing Used only by the Bursar's Office to bill a third party of tuition and fees
VN Vendor Vendor Mailing Address (Finance Only)
AP Remit Remit Mailing Address (Finance Only)


  • Data is entered using title-case format (uppercase and lowercase letters) following standard capitalization rules.
  • Do not abbreviate unless there is a space limit.
  • Do not use the pound sign (#). Spell out the appropriate word (Apartment, Unit, Number, etc.)
    Although the # sign is preferred by the U.S. Postal Service, ORACLE does not permit its use within Banner.
  • Care Of is entered as c/o in lower case. Do not use the percent sign (%).
  • Abbreviations: Note, spell out unless there are space limitations.

    Apt. -  Apartment

    Rm. -  Room

    Dept. -  Department

    Bldg. -  Building

    St. -  Street

    Rd. -  Road

    Hwy. -  Highway

    Tpke. -  Turnpike

Directional Abbreviations:

E. -  East 

W. -  West

N. -  North 

S. -  South

N.E. -  Northeast 

S.E. -  Southeast

S.W. -  Southwest 

N.W. -  Northwest

  • Street Address and P.O. Box: Banner allows three lines of street address information.
    If both the physical street address and P.O. Box number need to be maintained/used, enter the street address in the first line and the P.O. Box number on the second line.

Dual Address Example: Mr. John Smith

100 Major Street

P.O. Box 200

Willimantic, CT 06226

  • Note: Addresses with a Source Code of MSA do not follow data standards. See SOURCE CODE - MSA.


  • If the city is within the United States, leave the field blank and it will default in from the zip code.
  • Data is entered using title-case format (uppercase and lowercase letters) following standard capitalization rules.
  • Abbreviations are permitted if the full city name does not fit due to space limitations.
  • Enter Foreign Provinces including Canada into the city field.


  • If the state is within the United States, leave the field blank and it will default in from the zip code.
  • State codes must be entered for all U.S. addresses.
  • U.S. territories abbreviations are entered in the state field.

Zip Code:

  • Zip codes must be entered for all U.S. addresses. (Note: if you leave the City and State fields blank, they will default in when the Zip Code is entered if the Zip Code already exists in the database.
  • A hyphen must be entered when the entire nine-digit Zip code is available. If the last four digits are unavailable, enter the first five digits in the first five positions of the field without the hyphen.
  • Canadian postal codes are entered in the zip code field.
  • International mail codes (PIN Numbers) are entered in the zip code field. If the PIN number will not fit in the zip code field because of space, enter the pin number after the city name on the city line.

Military Address:

  • Enter the APO or AFO into the city field.
  • In the state field enter:
    AE - for mail going to Europe, Middle East, Africa, Canada
    AP - for mail going to Pacific
    AA - for mail going to the Americas (excluding Canada)

County code:

Not being used at this time.

Nation Code: (For NON-USA Entries Only)

  • Enter the three-position alpha code. For valid list, double-click the Nation field or go the STVNATN form.

Source Code:

  • The Address Source Code defines where the address originated from, or what the "source" of the address was. When entering a person for the first time, a source code of ORIG on the first MA address is required.
Code Description Definition of Use
BWEB Banner Web When an address is changed via Banner Web (this source code will default automatically)
CONA Converted - Alumni Assigned during conversion. Do Not Use.
CONF Converted - Finance Assigned during conversion. Do Not Use.
CONS Converted - Student Assigned during conversion. Do Not Use.
EVNT Event When address is received as the result of an event.
MSA Banner HR to MSA Interface Indicates an employee address that has been truncated so that the combined length of the address (line 1, 2 and 3 - and a space to separate each line) does not exceed 30 characters.
Addresses with an MSA Source Code do not meet data standards. To be used by Human Resources Department only. Do Not Modify address with MSA Source Code except to inactive in order to enter a change of address.
NOTE TO HR: If the address needing truncating has an origin of ORIG, then inactivate it and add the truncated address with a Source Code of MSA. Do not alter the address with an ORIG Source Code.
ORIG Geographic Origin Used for a student's address at time of initial contact with the university. To be used on a student's MA address only. 
POST Post Office Change When Post Office notifies office of address change.
PORJ Post Office Reject/Bad Addr  When Post Office notifies office of a bad address. Note addresses with this source should NOT be reactivated.
REL Reported by Relative self explanatory
SELF Self Reported by Individual  self explanatory
SRCH Search Firm or Outside Vendor self explanatory
WWW World Wide Web self explanatory

Standards for ECSU Employee BU addresses:
First line:        Eastern CT State University
Second line:   Department Name
Third line:       Building and Room

Department Name: spell out the word 'Department'. 
Building and Room: use "Bldg." for Building and "Rm." for Room.

Academic Departments:

Biology Education His/PoliSci/Phi Physical Science
Business Administration EES HPE Psychology
Communications English MCL Sociology
Economics Fine Arts Math/CS

Administrative Departments:

Academic Advisement Center Admissions Athletics Capital Projects
Academic Affairs Akus Gallery Aux Eng & Inst Services Health Services
Academic Grants Office Alumni Affairs Banner Library Services
Accounts Payable Arts and Sciences Bursar's Office

Entering an Address Change:

IMPORTANT: Do not type over existing addresses. Do not change Address Type on existing addresses.

  • Put in yesterday's date as the ending date (in the "TO" field).
  • Check the inactive box. (SAVE)
  • From the Record menu, select Insert.
  • Enter appropriate address type and new address information. 
  • The "FR" (from) date on this new address is today's date
    Note on backdating information: If you are doing data entry and the address change information is a few days old, use the date on the paperwork as the "FR" (from) address date and the day before that date as the "TO" date on the address you are inactivating.

Telephone Number:

  • The three-digit area code must be entered for all phone numbers.
  • Enter the seven-digit phone number without inserting a hyphen.
  • If an extension number is provided, enter only the digits of the extension in the extension field.
    Do not enter X or Ext into the extension field.
Code Description Definition of Use
AP Accounts Payable  Remit  (Finance Only)
B2 Second Business  Organization  - Telephone Number Primary Contact
Individual - Employment/Work Number
BI Billing Student's Billing Telephone Number if different from MA
BU Business or Work Company/Organization
Person's Employment/Work Number
CA Campus (Student) Student's Resident Hall
CAR Car  
CE Cellular  
EM Student/Empl Emergency Contact  
FAX Fax Individual or Business Fax
LO Local (Student) On/Off Campus
MA Mailing  
PA Parents Parent's Home Telephone Number if different from MA
PG Pager Individual's Pager
PN Non-custodial Parent  
SE Seasonal Alumni/Donor Seasonal Telephone Number
TE Temporary  
VN Vendor Vendor (Finance Only)

General Person Information:

Gender Codes:

M - Male
F  - Female
U  - Unknown

Date of Birth:

The date of birth is required for employees and students.

Social Security Number:

  • Enter the entire nine-digit number, omitting dashes. In most cases this will be the same as the Identification Number.

Confidential Information Indicator:

  • This box will be checked if the person does not want address and/or telephone number information released.

Note: It is imperative to exclude all records with the Confidential Information Indicator checked from lists of persons with telephone number or address through the process of population selection.

Citizenship Type:

NC  -  Non-Citizen
US   -  U.S. Citizen

Note, dual citizenship (US & ) enter as US.

Ethnic Code:

Code Description Definition of Use
A Asian/Pacific Island A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast, Asia, the Indian Subcontinent or Pacific Islands. This includes people from China, Japan, Korea, the Philippine Islands, Samoa, India, and Vietnam.
B African American/Black A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa (except those of Hispanic origin)
H Hispanic A person of Mexican, Cuban, Central or South American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. Exclude Puerto-Rico, Spain and Portugal.
HP Puerto-Rican A person native to Puerto Rico.
N Native American A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North American or who maintain cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community recognition.
O Other This category is used ONLY if the student/employee indicates that the listed categories do not apply.
U Unknown  This category is used ONLY if the student/employee did not select a racial/ethnic designation and one can not be determined through normal efforts.
W White A person having origin in any of the original peoples of Europe, North America, or the Middle East (except those of Hispanic origin)

Marital Status:

Code Description
D Divorce - Once married but now legally divorced
X Separated - Legally married but living apart
M Married - Legally married
S  Single - Never legally married
W Widowed - Legally married and spouse is deceased
L Life Time Partner
U Unknown - Information not given

Religious Code:

Not being used at this time.

Legacy Code:

  • Used by Institutional Advancement / Alumni ONLY.

Deceased Information:

  • This box will be checked if the University has received notification of death. Deceased Date will be entered if known.
  • Note: deceased records need to be excluded from population selection.

Driver's License Information:

  • Personnel will maintain driver's license information only if required for employment reasons.

Veteran's Information:

  • Veteran information will be determined with the implementation of student.
This article was:  
Article ID: 206
Last updated: 20 Feb, 2015
Revision: 1
Access: Public
Views: 458