Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase

Posting Policy and Social Media

Article ID: 429
Last updated: 14 Nov, 2024


The following procedures have been developed in order to establish a universal posting policy for clubs and organizations and will be enforced for all buildings internal and external as well as all outdoor University property.

Posters, flyers, banners and other materials to be used for the expressed purpose of publicizing an event or activities may not be posted more than ten days before the event date (or before the Event has been approved) and must be taken down 24 hours after the event date.

Each poster, flyer, banner and other material must be pre-approved and stamped "approved for posting". The stamp of approval will indicate the period of time it is allowed to be in place and the date it is to be taken down.

To Approve your Poster…

  1. Bring ONE copy of your flier/poster to the Student Activities Office
  2. Get flier/poster approved by a Student Activities Staff member
  3. Ask for a copy center request form and specify how many copies you will need of your flier/poster

Posters, flyers, banners and other materials may be posted only on locations approved for posting and as indicated below:

1) Only sidewalks in the following locations may be chalked and/or taped with flyers. It is the responsibility of the sponsoring organization to remove the chalk and flyers the day of the event after the event has occurred. Chalking must be pre-approved by the Director of Student Activities. Chalking is not allowed for SGA and Senior Class elections.

     1. Student Center Patio Sidewalk
     2. Hurley Hall Cafeteria Entrance
     3. Residence Hall Entrances
     4. Sports Center Entrance

2) Posters, flyers, banners and other materials may only be placed in the following campus buildings (see below). All other buildings are not to be subject to such materials.

3) Materials placed on campus by off campus groups must be pre-approved as above by the Director of Student Activities.

4) NOTHING MAY BE ATTACHED TO THE UNIVERSITY SIGNS THROUGHOUT CAMPUS. Fliers must be posted on designated bulletin boards ONLY.



Residence Halls (total copies allowed-68 total)         Buildings where posting is allowed
Burnap Hall (4)                                                                     Communications Building
Burr Hall (4)                                                                          Goddard Hall
Constitution Hall (7)                                                              Hurley Hall
Crandall Hall (4)                                                                    Knight House

High Rise Apartments (9)                                                      David G Carter Science Building
Laurel Hall (8)                                                                        Sports Center

Low Rise Apartments (1)                                                       Student Center
Mead Hall (5)                                                                         Webb Hall
Niejadlik Hall (5)                                                                    Wickware Planetarium
Noble Hall (4)                                                                        Wood Support Services Center
Nutmeg Hall (7)
Occum Hall (6)

Shafer Hall (4)


Please drop off stamped flyers for Residence Halls to the Housing & Residential Life Office- Wood SSC, 2nd floor.

Buildings where posting is NOT allowed using above guidelines
Admissions Building
Campus Police
Child and Family Development Center

Eastern Hall Facilities Building

Fine Arts Instructional Center
Gelsi-Young Administration Building
Health Services

Heating Plant
Parking Garage
Smith Library





Social media are Internet-based communication channels that use social interaction, scalable publishing techniques, and accessible technology to share user-created content (video, audio, text, and multimedia). Examples include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

A University-affiliated social media page is one that shows or implies a direct connection to an Eastern Connecticut State University office, department or official University program. Student-generated content must be appropriate and in keeping with professional standards and the University’s values.

All content — text, graphics, still photographs, videos — posted to Eastern Connecticut State University social media accounts, i.e. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, is the property of Eastern Connecticut State University.

Content submitted by students must be reviewed by an appropriate University employee before posting. Content for official university accounts managed by the Office of University Relations must be approved before posting by the Director of University Relations or his/her designee.

In addition, content submitted for posting is presumed (1) to be free of any copyright or ownership restrictions, and (2) will not be subsequently posted on commercial social media accounts.

For full Social Media Policy, see https://www.easternct.edu/university-relations/guidelines/social-media-policy.html

This article was:  
Article ID: 429
Last updated: 14 Nov, 2024
Revision: 7
Access: Public
Views: 807