Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase

Create PDF Portfolios - Merging Signed PDFs Into One Document

Article ID: 651
Last updated: 6 Jan, 2021

PDF Portfolios can be created when you need to collect a series of PDFs in one document. As an alternative to merging documents into one PDF, it has the advantage of being able to include digitally signed PDFs.

To Create a PDF Portfolio

  1. Launch Acrobat Acrobat DC application (not Acrobat Reader).
  2. From the upper left-hand corner, choose File > Create > PDF Portfolio.
  3. Drag files into the Create PDF Portfolio dialog box.
    Alternatively, choose an option from the Add Files menu. You can add a file, folder of files, pages from a scanner, web page, or items in the clipboard.
  4. Click Create to merge the files and create the PDF Portfolio.
  5. The selected files are added to your portfolio and a toolbar along with the thumbnails of the files is displayed in the left pane.
  6. Save your newly created PDF Portfolio. 

Additional instructions for editing and working with PDF Portfolios can be found at https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/using/create-customize-pdf-portfolios.html

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Article ID: 651
Last updated: 6 Jan, 2021
Revision: 3
Access: Public
Views: 15356