Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase

Interfolio "How To" and Word Templates

Article ID: 652
Last updated: 5 Feb, 2021

The following link https://myeasternct.sharepoint.com/sites/InterfolioTemplates contains Microsoft Word templates to be used for Renewal, Promotion, and Tenure submission on the Interfolio platform. It also provides detailed instructions on how to use them in MS Word, and how to submit them in Interfolio. In addition to instructions in prose, each instructional section contains an accompanying short video to make it clearer for the user.

The Interfolio templates on this site have been designed with two specific outcomes in mind:

  1. Ease in execution and submission of the narrative portions for the candidate.
  2. A well-structured output in Interfolio that is clearly organized and accessible for the reviewers.

The Interfolio templates were made by Manuel Otero and the PPC committee in conjunction with CIT.

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Article ID: 652
Last updated: 5 Feb, 2021
Revision: 1
Access: Public
Views: 219