ECSU Policy on Computer Use
ECSU Policy on Computer Use Section A - Rules and Regulations Availability and use of computer resources is restricted to actively enrolled students, current employees, and emeritus faculty and staff of Eastern Connecticut state University. Use of computer resources is a privilege, not a...
CSU Policy on Student Use of University Computer Systems and Networks
CSU Policy on Student Use of University Computer Systems and Networks University computer systems and networks are provided for students as a part of the University academic program. Students are encouraged to become proficient in the use of the computers as a means of enhancing their...
Notice on Electronic Monitoring
Notice on Electronic Monitoring This notice is the University's practice to address all faculty, staff, and student employees each semester about the CSU policy concerning the use of various information technology devices. Use of the information technology infrastructure has become commonplace at...
Residence Hall Network Connection Policy
Residence Hall Network Connection Policy The following is a list of rules and regulations established by Connecticut State University governing student connections to the campus computer network from within the Residence Halls. The student will agree to abide by all CSU and ECSU policies...
CSUS Email Policy
At the January 7, 2009 meeting of the Council of Presidents, the CSUS Email Policy - Email as an Official Correspondence, was approved with an effective implementation date of August 1, 2009. Attached please find a copy of the policy. CSUS Email Policy
Social Media Policy
University Relations would ask anyone who administers a social media site in connection with Eastern to make sure that they have done the following essential tasks associated with Eastern-related social media pages. Any official page of the University (see link to the full policy for...
Eastern Connecticut State University Residence Hall Student Telephone Policy
As of May 23, 2011, Eastern Connecticut State University will no longer provide telephone service or voice mail service in student residence hall rooms except in those student rooms designated to conform to ADA requirements. House phones are located on each residence hall floor which may be used...
Export and Import a Blackboard Course Backup File
The Blackboard Section purge process will be executed biannually every January and June. Blackboard section content will be available in the production system for faculty use for a duration of two years. Section data more than two years old, calculated by the start of the current semester, will be...
Standard Disclaimer for Inclusion in University Manuals and Instructional Documents
For inclusion in student handbooks, program manuals, departmental statements of policies and procedures, etc.: This [handbook/manual/etc] is provided to students and applicants for their general information and guidance only. It does not constitute a contract, either express or implied, and is...
Securing Sensitive Information: Management of Portable Media devices and Sensitive Documents
Securing Sensitive Information Management of Portable Media Devices and Sensitive Documents Overview: The University must take every reasonable precaution to secure both sensitive personal data and paper records, under federal and state law. Threats to the security of sensitive items come in...
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