Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase

Faculty Z-Drives to be Retired

Article ID: 507
Last updated: 3 Jun, 2020

Information Technology Services will be migrating all faculty Z: Drive data to individual Microsoft OneDrive for Business accounts during February and March. Once your department has been scheduled to be moved, you will be notified of the exact time. Microsoft OneDrive for Business offers several advantages over the current Z: Drive, including increased storage, improved collaboration tools, Internet access to your data, as well as improved security and file replication. Below are some Frequently Asked Questions and other resources. If you need assistance with your Microsoft OneDrive please contact CIT at cit@easternct.edu.

What will happen to my existing Z: Drive data?

Z:Drives will be set to read-only until 1/1/20 at which time access will be discontinued. Prior to 1/1/20, you will be able to read files stored there, but not edit them. Additionally, you won't be able to add or delete files there.

What is my role in the migration process to OneDrive?

ITS will migrate 100% of the existing data within the user's Z:drives. All file folder structure will remain the same. You do not have to do anything.

How will I find my Z:drive data in my OneDrive?

Look for a new folder named Old Z Drive. All the data from the existing Z: Drive will be moved here. If you have data in your OneDrive already, it will not be affected.

How can I access my OneDrive?  

OneDrive can be accessed from anywhere you have Internet access. This includes tour university computer, phones tablets, and personal machines. There is no need to use the VPN. Additionally, your office computer can be configured to access it via Windows Explorer, so you can manage the files in the same way you would have on the Z-Drive if you choose. For further questions regarding this option contact cit@easternct.edu 

What will happen to the Departmental Common drive?

Nothing, the Departmental Common drives are not being migrated.

How much storage is the OneDrive?

The OneDrive begins at five terabytes or approximately 429,496,725 pages of Word documents or 85,000 hours of music, or 1,550,000 photos.

How big of a file or folder can I upload?

The maximum single upload size is 15 gigabytes.

Are there other advantages of OneDrive?

Files stored in OneDrive are integrated with online office apps, providing online editing and collaboration. OneDrive stores documents of nearly any file type and individual files may be shared with other Eastern students, faculty, and staff to allow for real-time collaboration/editing.

The link below has a series of short informational/tutorial videos on O365 OneDrive for Business are available at  https://support.office.com/en-us/article/video-get-started-with-onedrive-work-or-school-b30da4eb-ddd2-44b6-943b-e6fbfc6b8dde

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Article ID: 507
Last updated: 3 Jun, 2020
Revision: 8
Access: Public
Views: 392