Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase

Web Focus

Article ID: 519
Last updated: 16 Feb, 2021

Campus Wide Reporting Application – WebFOCUS

Note: Our current On-Premise WebFocus reporting software has been moved to a Cloud version.  WebFocus is only available from on campus or via VPN. More details are below.

Eastern has a self-service reporting tool to run common reports from the University’s student information system. It uses your technology account (the same account used to log into your email). Below is a list of a few common reports for new faculty. Every report has an About the Report link on the main screen, which describes the purpose of the report. This tool is available to all faculty, and is accessible from Eastern Faculty/Staff portal or at:

Link: https://reports.bi.ct.edu/ibi_apps/signin

  • Advisee Listing – provides a list of Faculty Advisees for a specified term
  • Course Roster/Grade – provides a class roster or a mid-term and/or final grade report by course. This can be run by course, by department or by instructor.
  • Faculty Schedule – instructor’s class schedule for the specified term.
  • Graduation Report – provides a listing of graduates by academic year or term. The user can further limit the results by degree code, status, major and/or minor to name a few criteria. 
  • Mid Term GPA and Grade Report – provides a listing of students with their advisor, contact and student information along with the mid-term and final GPA for the semester selected. You can pull information by multiple criteria including class, major and advisor ID as well as limit the range of mid-term and final GPA values. 
  • Student Extract - generates a listing of students using multiple characteristics as criteria. For example, a report listing all full time sophomore Math majors who are of Hispanic descent that have a GPA greater than 3.2. There are multiple scenarios like this. Contact information, as well as student information can be obtained from this report.
  • Student Grade Report - provides general student information, as well as the student’s class schedule with mid-term and final grades (once they are available). A valid student ID and term need to be supplied to run the report successfully.
  • Student Schedule – lists a student schedule for the selected term. Can be useful when advising students and trying to schedule meetings.

Regarding the transition to the cloud:

  • All existing reports were migrated and work exactly the same as the on-premise version. 
  • You will now have to preface your login with ecsu\ (see example below).  This Cloud version of WebFocus is shared by all state universities and community colleges so when you login you will have to preface your login with ‘ecsu\’, including when you are emailed the monthly budget reports.  

  • The link for the Cloud version is https://reports.bi.ct.edu/ibi_apps/signin. All links on Eastern's website reflect this new address as of Oct 30th. If you have an old link setup on your desktop or in your bookmarks you will need to delete it and add the new link.
  • The Software can only be accessed from an on-campus IP address due to the sensitivity of data. If you are off campus you can only run the software two ways, either VPN into your desktop and run the above link from a browser on your desktop machine or you can use the Citrix software to run the reports. Please Contact IT for instructions on installing and configuring the Citrix software.

Navigating the Software:

  1. When you first login to eReports it will look either like fig. 1 or fig 2. In fig. 1 you do not see the Shared with Me and Workspaces options in the top menu like you do in fig. 2. This is because the window that opened up is too narrow, increase the width of the window to get the version you see in fig. 2.  
    Fig. 1
  2. Select Workspaces to see the listing of reports you are authorized to run (Fig. 2) 
    Fig. 2
  3. You will see the listing of folders you have access to. Double click on the folder to see the reports (Fig. 3)
    Fig. 3
  4. The reports on the screen shot below are displaying in icon view (Fig. 4). If you want to see the listing of reports in List View, click on the icon circled below in red and select List View. Scroll down to Fig. 5 to see what this looks like. 
    Fig 4
  5. To run a report you can double click the report and it will open in the current window. If you want the report to open in a separate window you should right mouse click on the report and select View in New Window see Fig. 6. The reports were not changed and should run exactly like they did in the previous version. 
    Fig. 5
  6. View in New Window (Fig. 6)
    Fig. 6
This article was:  
Article ID: 519
Last updated: 16 Feb, 2021
Revision: 8
Access: Public
Views: 923