Article ID: 672
Last updated: 27 Jan, 2022
Some Teaching lecterns in Goddard and Communications are equipped with a separate microphone on the lectern for voice amplification. Depending on the classroom, these fixed microphones are located on top of the lectern either to the left or the right of the computer monitor. The image below shows the location of the On/Off button and the green indicator light which enables the user to know when the microphone is on. If an instructor wishes to amplify their voice in other classrooms, they or their department can purchase a personal voice amplification system like those contained in the links below. These systems come in two forms. The first is a system that has a speaker you wear on your body, and the second is a system where you place the speaker on a table, lectern, or stand and connect to the speaker via a wireless head-worn or lapel-worn microphone. These systems vary in cost, and Media Services doesn't have any re recommend any one over the other have any direct experience working with them. Due to Covid concerns, these systems cannot be shared with others to prevent the risk of transmission of the virus.
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Article ID: 672
Last updated: 27 Jan, 2022
Revision: 4
Views: 164