Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase

Reserving and Using Labs and Multimedia Classrooms

Article ID: 222
Last updated: 10 May, 2024
The University uses the EMS Scheduling Software system. Any Eastern staff member, faculty member, or student can see the availability of spaces and request spaces by logging into the following web page: https://eschedule.easternct.edu/emswebapp/ 

If you are new to using EMS at Eastern and have questions about using the reservation system, please contact Jeff Buskey, Associate Registrar and Scheduling Officer at 860-465-5021 or at buskeyj@easternct.edu for activities related to a specific course being taught for credit. Questions about reservations for non-course related activities can be directed to John Beck, University Event Coordinator at 860-465-5565 or at beckjo@easternct.edu. Questions about reservations for student club events can be directed to Joshua Sumrell, Assistant Director of Student Activities at 860-465-4304 or at sumrellj@easternct.edu. 

There are two types of classrooms that use technology. Instructional Computer Labs have an instructor's station, document camera, DVD, and a data/video projection unit, and ten to forty-five student workstations.

Multimedia Classrooms, also called Smart Classrooms, include a ceiling-mounted video/data projector, computer with Internet access, DVD player, document camera, notebook computer connections, and source switcher, but they do not contain student workstations.

Secure Rooms When Not Proctored:
Unless the room is proctored, classrooms that require PIN number or FOB access are to remain locked when class is not in session. Please lock these rooms if another class does not immediately follow your class session. Security is everyone's responsibility.

If You Cannot Get Into The Room:
If you cannot obtain access to your classroom for any reason, please attempt to contact the following people in the order listed below:

  • ITS Help Desk, 1-860-465-4346
  • Campus Police, 1-860-465-5310

Obtaining Assistance During Class Sessions:
To report any problem encountered in this room or request immediate assistance during a class session, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 1-860-465-4346 or the staff in Webb Hall 410 (the General Purpose Computer Lab) at 1-860-465-4619.

This article was:  
Article ID: 222
Last updated: 10 May, 2024
Revision: 7
Access: Public
Views: 822
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