Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase
Building Course Content
Blackboard Video Integration for Films on Demand
If you are using the Films on Demand service from our library with Blackboard Learn there are some specific tips to help you integrate both Title/Segment URLs and an Embedded Player. When embedding videos, add the video as a Course Document. Be sure to click on the "HTML Source Mode (<...
rating 8 Jan, 2015
Blackboard - Create Multiple Rules for a Content Item
See Rules for Releasing Content on Blackboard Help for information adaptive release.
rating 12 Jun, 2024
Blackboard - Creating a URL
See Link to Websites from Blackboard Help.
rating 12 Jun, 2024
Copy a Blackboard Course
Every semester new blank Blackboard courses are generated by the system. If a faculty member has taught the course in a previous semester or has access to another course they want to copy material from, the following steps will copy the course from the old semester to the new one. NOTE: Leave...
rating 24 Jan, 2023
Blackboard - Creating a Lesson Plan
See Creating a Lesson Plan on Blackboard Help Center.
rating 12 Jun, 2024
Blackboard - Getting Started With Course Content
To get started with Building course content, see Create Course Materials on Blackboard Help. This links to useful articles, such as Add Files Types of Course Content Best Practice for Attaching Files Supported File Types
rating 12 Jun, 2024
Making Your Course Available/Unavailable to Students
By default, the Blackboard Learn Course Availability Setting for students is always set to Yes. You can change it to the beginning and end dates for the term as they are listed in Banner as well as on the course catalog. This means your students cannot access your course before the first day of...
rating 12 Jun, 2024