Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase

Copy a Blackboard Course

Article ID: 465
Last updated: 24 Jan, 2023

Every semester new blank Blackboard courses are generated by the system. If a faculty member has taught the course in a previous semester or has access to another course they want to copy material from, the following steps will copy the course from the old semester to the new one.

NOTE: Leave the checkbox for Include Enrollments in the Copy unchecked.

Go into the course with the material and choose Packages and Utilities from the left menu.

From the submenu that appears choose Course Copy and follow these steps:

  1. Choose Copy Course Materials into an Existing Course, step 3
  2. Browse to your blank course, step 4

3. Choose Select All if you want all content or choose parts as needed

4. Choose Copy links and copies of the content. Leave Include Enrollments in the Copy unchecked. 

5. Leave the rest as is and click Submit. Wait a few minutes depending on how much content you have and access the new course.

This article was:  
Article ID: 465
Last updated: 24 Jan, 2023
Revision: 6
Access: Public
Views: 1909