Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase

How to Create a Rubric in Blackboard

Article ID: 572
Last updated: 17 Jun, 2022

Follow these instructions to create a rubric in Blackboard. The instructions are first presented in a video format, with written instructions to follow.

1. From the Control Panel, click Course Tools

2. Click Rubrics

3. Click Create Rubric

4. Provide a name for the Rubric

  • Optionally, provide a Description

5. Click Submit

Note: In addition to accessing Rubrics through Course Tools, Rubrics can also be created any time an assignment or other gradable item is being created or edited.

How to Edit the Rubric Grid

Blackboard Rubrics default to three rows and three columns with pre-set criteria and Levels of Achievement. However, the Rubric Grid may be edited to correspond to the type of feedback and scoring desired:

1. Click Add Row to add a new criterion at the bottom of the grid

2. Click Add Column to add a new Level of Achievement to the grid

3. Select a Rubric type from the drop-down list: ◦ No Points - feedback only ◦ Points - single point value for each Level of Achievement ◦ Point Range - range of values for each Level of Achievement ◦ Percent - flexible depending on each assessment's possible points

4. Click Edit from the action link next to the labels identifying rows and columns to change their names

5. Type a point or percentage value for each row

6. Type a description defining the criteria and the associated Level of Achievement

7. Click Submit

Note: Rubrics can be based on either points or weighted percentages. You can also create a rubric with no points. Each cell can only contain a maximum of 1000 characters. You can reorder the rows and columns by clicking the reorder button. Once a Rubric has been used for grading, it cannot be edited, to preserve the integrity of the grades. If you need to modify the rubric to use on another assessment, create a copy of the rubric and edit that version. For a Percent rubric, the total weight for all criteria must equal 100%.

This article was:  
Article ID: 572
Last updated: 17 Jun, 2022
Revision: 7
Access: Public
Views: 134