Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase

MS Forms Pro Rebranded as Dynamic 365 Customer Voice

Article ID: 634
Last updated: 8 Oct, 2020

Microsoft had two ways to use forms, MS Forms and MS Forms Pro.  On 9/2 Microsoft announced that MS Forms Pro had been rebranded as Dynamics 365 Customer Voice. All the capabilities that were in MS Forms Pro should be available in Customer Voice. Forms that were made in Pro Forms are no longer be available in the MS Forms tool as of 09/30, instead they can be accessed in Customer Voice. Forms that were made in regular MS Forms will continue to open in MS Forms. As of right now, Customer Voice is not integrated into our Office 365 and there is no ETA on that, but you can go directly to https://customervoice.microsoft.com/ and access your Pro forms. We are also in the process of acquiring some training and documentation for it. Eastern users can continue to use the service, or you can migrate their forms to regular MS Forms or Qualtrics, both are integrated into O365 under All apps.

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Article ID: 634
Last updated: 8 Oct, 2020
Revision: 3
Access: Public
Views: 265