Lectern Console Quick Reference
These guides describe the basic use of the Media Lecterns in Computer Classrooms: Lectern Guide (Buttons) Lectern Guide (Touchscreen) Concert Hall, Proscenium Theater, and Shaffer Auditorium (Touchscreen)
Using the Smart Boards (Electronic White Boards)
Using the SMART Boards About the SMART Boards SmartBoards are currently installed in Webb 307, Webb 314, and Webb 206. With them you can write, draw, or type over any Windows application using one of the plastic pens (or even your finger), and you can create presentations that can be saved and...
Requesting Software Purchases, Renewals and Installations on Campus - Offices, Computer Labs, and Classrooms
Note: The process below is for faculty and staff to request software purchases for Eastern-owned devices. Faculty and staff who wish to obtain software for their personal devices should refer to Article 235: Purchasing Hardware and Software (Home Use). To Request Software Purchases: Specific...
Reserving and Using Labs and Multimedia Classrooms
Scheduling: The University uses the EMS Scheduling Software system. Any Eastern staff member, faculty member, or student can see the availability of spaces and request spaces by logging into the following web page: https://eschedule.easternct.edu/emswebapp/ If you are new to using EMS at...
Wireless Printing in the Library-Stu Center-Webb Hall
IMPORTANT: The links in this article are only accessible when using a computer within Eastern's Network (on-campus). **New methods to print over campus wireless** MobilePrint for printing via email, uploading, or from your mobile device. ChromePrint for chromebook users. **IMPORTANT - The...
Wireless Printing in The Residence Halls
**New methods to print over campus wireless** MobilePrint for printing via email, uploading, or from your mobile device. ChromePrint for chromebook users. **IMPORTANT - The above options are driver-less. The below options are driver based and require a package download.** Choose the...
Classroom Lectern - Student Use Instructions
As a response to faculty requests to minimize login times at Classroom lecterns, ITS has taken actions to relax DeepFreeze restrictions on all Windows computers in the nearly 70 Classrooms on-campus. Note: This does not include lecterns in any of the computer labs. The trade-off for this...
Resetting Citrix Workspace
Some Citrix Workspace Errors (e.g. "The connection failed unknown client 0") can be resolved by resetting the Workspace client back to defaults. To do so, follow the instructions below. Please note: Resetting your Workspace client will require you to complete the first-time setup steps once...
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