Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase

Sign Up for an Eastern Webex Account

Article ID: 526
Last updated: 1 Feb, 2023

Webex accounts are created using the instructions below, they are specific to Eastern and not related to the free accounts you can get at Webex's main site. 

Note, students do not need an account to join a presentation, only the host (professor) needs an account. Students can sign up if they want to run their own web conferences for Clubs and other student organizations

Go to https://easternct.webex.com
Note: We suggest using Chrome or Firefox as your browser when setting up and using Webex for a better experience.

  1. Click on Sign In

  2. Click Sign Up on right.

  3. Fill out the form and check all options.
    NOTE: You don't need to enter a Username.

  4. You should receive three (3) follow-up emails.
    1. An email verification email, you do not need to do anything with this email.
    2. An account confirmation email: Follow the instructions contained in this email.

    3. You should be presented with a web page that states that your account activation has been successful. Click OK on this page.
    4. A Welcome email: Follow the instructions contained in this email to set up your password. Scroll to see the password button and click the password button.
This article was:  
Article ID: 526
Last updated: 1 Feb, 2023
Revision: 8
Access: Public
Views: 2156