Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase

Missing or Blank Courses in Blackboard

Article ID: 174
Last updated: 16 Oct, 2019

Courses may not appear in a student's Blackboard account until the start date of the course.

If the course is still not available after the start date first confirm that you are properly registered and then refer to the following information:

  • Confirm that your professor is using Blackboard. Not all professors do.
  • If your professor confirms that you should be seeing a Blackboard course and you still don't, have the professor contact cit@easternct.edu

Professors should see all their courses for a current semester and futures semester should appear in toward the end of the current semester with plenty of time to prepare. If a professor is missing courses from their Blackboard account, they should contact cit@easternct.edu

This article was:  
Article ID: 174
Last updated: 16 Oct, 2019
Revision: 4
Access: Public
Views: 1035
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