Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase

Blackboard Issues

Article ID: 178
Last updated: 11 Oct, 2019

Blackboard Issues

Some people are experiencing an issue with Blackboard mail and other features of Blackboard. These problems are typically related to the Java plugin. Java is specific to individual machines and may or may not be installed on your machine.

Can't Log In:

  • Your Blackboard username is the same username you use for Eastern email and Lab computers.
  • Please use all lowercase letters for the Blackboard username.
  • Type your password exactly as you would for Eastern email and lab computers.
  • You must have logged in to your Eastern email or an Eastern Lab Computer at least once before using Blackboard. If you have not done this your account will not be activated and you will not be able to get into Blackboard.
  • If you are unable to logon to Blackboard but see no error messages, check to see if you have a "pop-up blocker" installed and running. Pop-up blocking software is not compatible with Blackboard and must be disabled. If your computer has a pop-up blocker enabled, please consult the documentation for the pop-up blocker for information on how to disable it.

Tool Errors:

  • Tool errors and errors with Blackboard features are caused by having the incorrect version of Java installed or by canceling or closing the  Java Security Warning popups when they occur.
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Article ID: 178
Last updated: 11 Oct, 2019
Revision: 4
Access: Public
Views: 1434
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