Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase

Requesting Software Purchases, Renewals and Installations on Campus - Offices, Computer Labs, and Classrooms

Article ID: 221
Last updated: 30 Oct, 2023

Note: The process below is for faculty and staff to request software purchases for Eastern-owned devices. Faculty and staff who wish to obtain software for their personal devices should refer to Article 235: Purchasing Hardware and Software (Home Use).

To Request Software Purchases:

  1. Specific software needs are identified by the faculty/staff member
  2. Faculty/staff member identifies an appropriate funding source – no personal funding is allowed
  3. Faculty/staff member makes a request for quote(s) to softwarecontacts@easternct.edu (ITS) and provides the relevant information.
  4. ITS obtains a quote(s) and reviews the technical requirements. ITS works with fiscal affairs to ensure the software’s legal terms comply with our state’s rules and regulations. Once reviewed and any identified issue is resolved, ITS provides the approved quote to the faculty/staff member.
  5. Assuming sufficient funding is available, the faculty/staff member will work with their department secretary/UA to create a requisition to purchase the software.
  6. All software fulfillments must be sent to softwarecontacts@easternct.edu. This must be noted on the requisition.  If there are any physical shipments related to the purchase, they must be sent to the ITS Office Suite - Science 520 ATTN: softwarecontacts@easternct.edu
  7. Once the requisition has been sent to Purchasing, they will make the purchase – whether by University P-Card or by PO or wire transfer.  They will select the best method.

To Request Software Installations:

  1. Once the above steps have been completed and the software has been purchased, the faculty/staff member needs to complete the software installation request form: 
  2. Once the fulfillments have been received by softwarecontacts@easternct.edu, ITS will develop an installation package and will push it to the device(s).  The faculty/staff member will be contacted with the pertinent details prior to the push.  There may be certain circumstances where a push installation is not practical or possible, in which case the faculty/staff member will be notified and asked to schedule an appointment for a hands-on installation.

To Request Free Software and Installations:

  1. Acquire the software for installation if it is available.
  2. Fill out and submit the appropriate form from step 8 in the above instructions.
  3. Ensure that the software functions correctly. ITS requires that you test and certify that it runs properly after it has been installed.  We ask the faculty member to do this because he/she best understands the required functionality and routines for the course and ITS may have little experience or no experience with the application.  If the faculty member then reports problems after installation, we will work to resolve it.   However, in the case of unsupported freeware (no online support and telephone support numbers), our resolution efforts will be limited.

Additional Information:
Availability of the classroom, scheduling staff time, installation, testing, and resolving security issues often require advance planning and work.   Typically deployments will be completed within a minimum of 15 business days. ITS will ensure that the software is secure and that it does not conflict with other resident applications. 

This article was:  
Article ID: 221
Last updated: 30 Oct, 2023
Revision: 17
Access: Public
Views: 2825
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