Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase

Blackboard Accounts

Article ID: 23
Last updated: 17 Sep, 2021

Blackboard accounts are used to access ECSU's online course management system.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you've had your password reset by ITS, you may be able to access email with the default password they give you, but it will not work in Blackboard until you reset your password to only something you know.

If you encounter errors please make sure of the following:

  • Your using the same username you use for Eastern email and Lab computers.
  • Please use all lowercase letters for the username only.
  • Type your password exactly as you would for Eastern email and lab computers.
  • You must have logged in to your Eastern email or an Eastern computer at least once before using Blackboard . If you have not done this your account will not be activated and you will not be able to get into Blackboard .
  • If you are unable to log on to Blackboard, but see no error messages, check to see if you have a pop-up blocker installed and running. Pop-up blocking software is not compatible with Blackboard and must be disabled. If your computer has a pop-up blocker enabled, please consult the documentation for the pop-up blocker for information on how to disable it.

If you are sure you are doing everything right and you still can't log in, then it's likely that your password is expired. See Article 31 Blackboard Incorrect Username and Password Error for a detailed explanation and Article 20: Student Technology Accounts or Article 32 Faculty/Staff Technology Accounts for instructions for reactivating the account.

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Article ID: 23
Last updated: 17 Sep, 2021
Revision: 4
Access: Public
Views: 1332
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