Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase

About Panopto

Article ID: 462
Last updated: 17 Aug, 2015

What is Panopto?
Panopto is a video based platform that is used to transform the way faculty and staff communicate knowledge to students and a video based platform that also transforms the way students learn. Panopto makes it easy for anyone to record, live stream and share videos. Panopto is used worldwide for business purposes and education purposes. Through Panopto, education is made easy with concepts such as Lecture Capture and Flipped Classrooms.

What is Lecture Capture?
Lecture Capture has become an essential utility at many universities. It can be used as a great part of the learning experience. A lecture capture is simply creating a video that records a lecture to be played back time after time. This is especially helpful to students for studying and for the use of homework.

What is a Flipped Classroom?
With a flipped class model, students can watch pre-recorded lectures before class, then use in-class time for discussion and engaging activities. Flipped classrooms allow students to watch the recorded lecture on their own time and pace, increasing engagement and overall achievements.

For faculty, Panopto provides a recording platform that can be used from any laptop or desktop. Once the lecture is recorded, it can then be automatically uploaded to your video library so that students can view the lectures instantly.

Panopto Through Blackboard
Panopto is also branched out through the use of Blackboard. Using Blackboard, you can add a Panopto dashboard in your course menu, create a Panopto dashboard in a content area and add the Panopto video link to a content area. These options allow for easy access to pre-recorded videos for faculty and students.

Faculty and Staff can also use their Blackboard account to log into Panopto on the Panopto website. This connects your account with your Blackboard account instantly.

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Article ID: 462
Last updated: 17 Aug, 2015
Revision: 1
Access: Public
Views: 381