Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase

Installing Panopto: Desktop Recording Application

Article ID: 524
Last updated: 5 May, 2023

For installing Panopto on a personally owned machine or an Eastern owned PC laptop please refer to the directions below. If installing the Panopto software on an Eastern owned PC desktop computer or any Mac please refer these instructions: Article 468: Software Center (PC) Self Service (Mac) - How To Self-Install Programs

Note: The steps below assume you have already followed the steps in Article 463: Configure Your Blackboard Course for Panopto Use
  1. Click on the Tool Link you created (Videos)
  2. Click on the Create button at the top of your page. 
  3. Select Record a New Session.

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  4. Click on Download PanoptoNote: You will see the Windows 32-bit, Windows 64-bit or Mac OS X option depending on what OS is installed on your machine. Panopto will now install on your computer.

    User-added image
  5. Follow the steps to run the installer the same way you would any other application.
This article was:  
Article ID: 524
Last updated: 5 May, 2023
Revision: 7
Access: Public
Views: 534
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