Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase

Adding Printers on Campus Using the Web Interface

Article ID: 482
Last updated: 12 Apr, 2021
IMPORTANT: These instructions are intended for use only with Internet Explorer on a Windows device.

Adding a Printer:

  1. Navigate to http://printers.easternct.edu/ using Internet Explorer 11 (not Edge).
  2. Identify the manufacturer of the printer you are trying to add. It can often be found on the printer's front or side.
  3. Click the appropriate link for the printer manufacturer from the listed options.
  4. Locate the printer, either by name or description, on the page that follows.
  5. Click the printer name to view the printer options.
  6. Locate and click the Connect link.

Accept both prompts that follow by choosing the Yes and Install buttons respectively. The printer driver will install, and the connection should be visible within the Devices and Printers menu.

This article was:  
Article ID: 482
Last updated: 12 Apr, 2021
Revision: 6
Access: Public
Views: 1388