Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase

VPN Login and File Access for Faculty and Staff

Article ID: 8
Last updated: 18 May, 2023

The ECSU VPN server is a device that creates a Virtual Private Network between your home computer and the Eastern campus. With a VPN connection, you may access files on your Z-drive via the Internet or remote control your office computer from home. For instructions to Remote Control your office computer see Article 7: Remote Desktop Access

IMPORTANT: Only the departments using the ITS Storage Area Network (SAN) have pre-created bookmarks in the VPN. Separate departmental servers such as facilities do not have bookmarks in the VPN. If you do not see your departmental sever you must create your own bookmark. The path to the share must be fully qualified ( \\facilities4357.ec-admin.easternct.edu\sharename as opposed to \\facilities4357\sharename).

To connect to the ECSU VPN server:

  • Use your browser to connect to https://ecsu-vpn.easternct.edu/
  • Alternately, from the ECSU home page, select the Faculty and Staff Menu Item, and choose VPN from the Square Buttons in the center of the page.

  • The first time you connect, your web browser may display a pop-up message asking if you would like to accept the site's security certificate. Click Yes to accept and proceed.
  • The login screen for the VPN server appears next, requiring a username and password.
  • When typing your username, type only your Technology Account username. Do not use the @easternct.edu.
  • Type your password just as if you were logging in to your office computer.
  • Click Sign In when complete.

You may now connect to your personal Z: drive or common drive:

  • In the Files section click the link that reflects your area of business.
  • Click your department folder. If you do not see your department folder, your department may be using their own departmental server. Please see the important note above.
  • Click on the folder with your username or the common drive, and the files and folders in your personal Z: drive will appear.
  • To bookmark your drive, click Bookmark Selected at the top of the screen. You may name the bookmark in the box that pops up for added convenience.
  • Click Add Bookmark to save the bookmark.
  • You may now transfer files from your home computer to the drive, from the drive to your home computer, or delete files from the drive.
  • To upload a file click the Upload File button and follow the prompts.
  • To download a file click on the name of the file and select Save from the popup window.
  • To delete a file select the checkbox next to the file you want to delete and click the Delete Selected button.

IMPORTANT: If you check the box to the left of any file or folder names, and select "Delete", they will be permanently deleted from your personal Z: drive on the server. Be Careful! There is no trash bin or undelete function!

This article was:  
Article ID: 8
Last updated: 18 May, 2023
Revision: 12
Access: Public
Views: 2632
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