Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase


Article ID: 671
Last updated: 17 Aug, 2021

How to Use Chrome Print - intended for Chromebook and Chrome users

  1. In order to use Pharos Chrome Print you need to be signed in to the campus wireless as well as being signed into your Chrome account with the Sync function enabled. Chrome Print will not work in Guest Mode or off-campus.
  2. Once logged into Chrome with sync enabled you will need to install the Pharos Chrome Print extension from the Chrome Web Store. Search for Pharos Chrome Print or choose the direct link here and click Add to Chrome.
  3. Click the Add extension button. A message should appear that the Pharos Chrome Print extension has been added. An icon with a red exclamation should be shown indicating that configuration isn't completed.
  4. Click the manage extensions icon to configure the extension for use on Eastern's campus. Then click the Pharos Chrome Print under the Extensions pop-up.
  5. Type in ecsu-print7.easternct.edu for the configuration URL and hit Submit. A registration email will be sent to your Chrome email account.
  6. Login to your Chrome email account and complete the registration process by clicking the link sent to you.
  7. The link will bring you to the Pharos Print Center where you will complete the registration process by logging in using your Eastern account (no @my.easternct.edu).
  8. Once logged in to the Pharos Print Center you will be registered, you can now logout of the Pharos Print Center.
  9. In order to complete registration after logging off, hit submit under the Pharos Chrome print extension. A message should be displayed 'Configuration complete' and the extension will appear with a green check mark.
  10. Once configuration is completed, from the document or URL you wish to print choose Pharos Chrome Printer as your destination and hit Print.
  11. Next head to any of the res hall or public Pharos printers on campus to release your job in person with your ID card.
This article was:  
Article ID: 671
Last updated: 17 Aug, 2021
Revision: 13
Access: Public
Views: 2254
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