Connecting to Wifi at Eastern and Finding Your Mac Address
The instructions below relate to using ECSU BYOD5. If you are using eduroam, please see Article 180: Wireless Services. When you see a list of signals, you will see three (BYOD, BYOD5, and Eduroam), we recommend BYOD5. The recommendation is based on the signal that has the best speed. Any...
Disabling Wifi On HP Printers
Note: Some HP Wifi-compatible printers may interfere with campus wireless network activity. To keep wireless channels free of interference, follow the steps below to disable HP wireless printer services. For most models: Use the printer menu and locate the Setup option. Select Network from...
Wireless Printing in the Library-Stu Center-Webb Hall
IMPORTANT: The links in this article are only accessible when using a computer within Eastern's Network (on-campus). **New methods to print over campus wireless** MobilePrint for printing via email, uploading, or from your mobile device. ChromePrint for chromebook users. **IMPORTANT - The...
VPN Login and File Access for Faculty and Staff
The ECSU VPN server is a device that creates a Virtual Private Network between your home computer and the Eastern campus. With a VPN connection, you may access files on your Z-drive via the Internet or remote control your office computer from home. For instructions to Remote Control your office...
Wireless Services
Note: Apple and Android devices require you to disable private MAC addresses to connect to ECSU Wifi, follow the steps in Article 638: On-Campus Wifi for Mobile Devices and then return here for other instructions. Eastern offers the following wireless signals: ECSU-BYOD and ECSU-BYOD5: These...
Residential Computer Fact Sheet
Eastern Connecticut State University Residential Computing Fact Sheet The ECSU residential computer network, better known as Resnet, provides network connectivity for all residential students. Resnet is designed to be as reliable as is possible in providing learning services plus office and...
Eastern Email (MS Office 365) Web Access
Email Web Access Faculty, Staff, and Students can access their email online using the following URL: Office 365 Portal IMPORTANT: When entering your account info use the whole email address. On campus access of web mail should not require Multi Factor Authentication (MFA). Accessing...
Residence Hall Network Connection Policy
Residence Hall Network Connection Policy The following is a list of rules and regulations established by Connecticut State University governing student connections to the campus computer network from within the Residence Halls. The student will agree to abide by all CSU and ECSU policies...
Connecting to Wifi at Eastern and Finding Your Mac Address
The instructions below relate to using ECSU BYOD5. If you are using eduroam, please see Article 180: Wireless Services. When you see a list of signals, you will see three (BYOD, BYOD5, and Eduroam), we recommend BYOD5. The recommendation is based on the signal that has the best speed. Any...
Wireless Printing in The Residence Halls
**New methods to print over campus wireless** MobilePrint for printing via email, uploading, or from your mobile device. ChromePrint for chromebook users. **IMPORTANT - The above options are driver-less. The below options are driver based and require a package download.** Choose the...
Adding Printers on Campus Using the Web Interface
IMPORTANT: These instructions are intended for use only with Internet Explorer on a Windows device. Adding a Printer: Navigate to using Internet Explorer 11 (not Edge). Identify the manufacturer of the printer you are trying to add. It can often be found on the...
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