Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase
Featured Articles
Book Training with CIT
Book a remote one-on-one with CIT Book a remote one-on-one training session with a CIT staff member by clicking the following link: https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/CITTraining@myeasternct.onmicrosoft.com/bookings/ How-to instructions are below. Choose a service If a specific...
rating 8 Aug, 2024

Sub Categories

Center for Instructional Technology (CIT)
Requesting Software Purchases, Renewals and Installations on Campus - Offices, Computer Labs, and Classrooms
Note: The process below is for faculty and staff to request software purchases for Eastern-owned devices. Faculty and staff who wish to obtain software for their personal devices should refer to Article 235: Purchasing Hardware and Software (Home Use). To Request Software Purchases: Specific...
rating 30 Oct, 2023
Reserving and Using Labs and Multimedia Classrooms
Scheduling: The University uses the EMS Scheduling Software system. Any Eastern staff member, faculty member, or student can see the availability of spaces and request spaces by logging into the following web page: https://eschedule.easternct.edu/emswebapp/ If you are new to using EMS at...
rating 10 May, 2024
Software Center (PC) Self Service (Mac and iOS) - How To Self-Install Programs
NOTE: These instructions are only for Eastern owned PC desktops and Mac products. If you have an Eastern owned PC laptop, please fill out the Software Request Form in Article 221: Requesting Software Purchases and Installations in Offices, Computer Labs, and Classrooms The Software Center is a...
rating 28 Oct, 2024
SPSS License Renewal for Home Use
Home use licenses for SPSS expire at the end of December every year. To renew your license, contact helpdesk@easternct.edu for the current code and follow the instructions below. Launch the License Authorization Wizard from the Programs or Applications Group on your Mac or PC. On the Product...
rating 3 Jan, 2022
Using the Smart Boards (Electronic White Boards)
Using the SMART Boards About the SMART Boards SmartBoards are currently installed in Webb 307, Webb 314, and Webb 206. With them you can write, draw, or type over any Windows application using one of the plastic pens (or even your finger), and you can create presentations that can be saved and...
rating 2 Jun, 2020
Web Conferencing Security
Due to the increased use of web conferencing tools and the possibility of disruptive participants, it is important to know how meeting organizers can take precautions and respond if such an event occurs. The information below gives an overview of the subject and the steps that can be taken to...
rating 19 Oct, 2021

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