Installing Adobe Acrobat DC and Creative Cloud Applications
All university-owned Windows computers have the main Adobe Creative Cloud application installed, which manages the individual Adobe applications. However, due to the size, the standard Eastern package only includes some of the individual applications. If the application you need is not on your...
Blackboard Quick Start Guide
When you open a course in Blackboard for the first time, it's blank. And the only obvious place to put content is the Content Collection. However, the Content Collection is only a place to put content for you, as the instructor. It does not make that content available to your students. To do that,...
Configure Panopto in a Blackboard Course
If you want to use Panopto, you must first configure your course to use Panopto. *Configuration does not require a webcam or microphone. Note: If your videos exist in a previous course you'll need to configure your course to activate Panopto and then reconfigure the Panopto tool to point to the...
Add Users to a Blackboard Course
This article covers instructions for single user enrollment and bulk enrollments for courses and organizations in Blackboard. Single User Enrollment Blackboard allows an instructor to add other users to their course who are not automatically added by registration. Log into Blackboard and...
Installing Panopto: Desktop Recording Application
For installing Panopto on a personally owned machine or an Eastern owned PC laptop please refer to the directions below. If installing the Panopto software on an Eastern owned PC desktop computer or any Mac please refer these instructions: Article 468: Software Center (PC) Self Service (Mac) - How...
Recording with Panopto's Desktop Applications
Record a Video on a Windows PC (Scroll Down For Mac Instructions) (Scroll even Further for iOS (iPad) instructions) You can find Panopto's web-based recording solution in the following article: Recording with Panopto Capture - A Web-based Recording Application Record a Video on a...
Copy/Move a Panopto Video to Another Course
The link below has a video and written instructions for copying Panopto Video to another course. Prior to this you must have already configured the other course to use Panopto as described in Article 463: Configure Your Blackboard Course for Panopto Copy Panopto Video from one course to...
Use Webex to Make Phone Calls
Webex can make voice calls to out-of-network individual phone numbers. Start a meeting Click on the button with the 3 dots Choose invite and remind from the resulting menu Select the Phone icon, fill in the phone number and * Invitee Name is optional, click Call.
VPN Login and File Access for Faculty and Staff
The ECSU VPN server is a device that creates a Virtual Private Network between your home computer and the Eastern campus. With a VPN connection, you may access files on your Z-drive via the Internet or remote control your office computer from home. For instructions to Remote Control your office...
Forwarding University Calls from Desk Phones
NOTE: Method 1 must be setup physically from your desk phone before you leave campus. Method 2 can be done from outside the university via Internet Access. Method 1: Physical Access to Desk Phone On your desk phone you will see a Forward All button. Press this button and enter in the numbers 91...
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