Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase

Book Training with CIT

Article ID: 543
Last updated: 8 Aug, 2024

Book a remote one-on-one with CIT 

Book a remote one-on-one training session with a CIT staff member by clicking the following link:


How-to instructions are below.

  1. Choose a service
  2. If a specific CIT staff member is desired, click the pull-down and select the individual.
  3. Choose the month, the available days will be bolder and appear darker 
  4. Choose the day, available times will appear to the right of the calendar 
  5. Choose a time from the available times
  6. Provide the requested contact information
  7. Give further information by selecting from Topic pulldown or using the optional Notes section
  8. Click the Book button

This article was:  
Article ID: 543
Last updated: 8 Aug, 2024
Revision: 14
Access: Public
Views: 2853