Eastern Connecticut State University Knowledgebase
Featured Articles
Book Training with CIT
Book a remote one-on-one with CIT Book a remote one-on-one training session with a CIT staff member by clicking the following link: https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/CITTraining@myeasternct.onmicrosoft.com/bookings/ How-to instructions are below. Choose a service If a specific...
rating 8 Aug, 2024

Sub Categories

Center for Instructional Technology (CIT)
Blackboard Issues
Blackboard Issues Some people are experiencing an issue with Blackboard mail and other features of Blackboard. These problems are typically related to the Java plugin. Java is specific to individual machines and may or may not be installed on your machine. Can't Log In: Your Blackboard...
rating 11 Oct, 2019
Book Training with CIT
Book a remote one-on-one with CIT Book a remote one-on-one training session with a CIT staff member by clicking the following link: https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/CITTraining@myeasternct.onmicrosoft.com/bookings/ How-to instructions are below. Choose a service If a specific...
rating 8 Aug, 2024
Choosing a Web Conferencing Tool
Blackboard Collaborate We strongly recommend Blackboard Collaborate for conducting synchronous online or hybrid classes. The tool requires the least amount of setup to use. Typically, you can add it to your existing courses in less than a minute and it's ready to be used by the students and...
rating 20 Aug, 2020
Classroom Lectern - Student Use Instructions
As a response to faculty requests to minimize login times at Classroom lecterns, ITS has taken actions to relax DeepFreeze restrictions on all Windows computers in the nearly 70 Classrooms on-campus. Note: This does not include lecterns in any of the computer labs. The trade-off for this...
rating 1 Jun, 2020
Electronic Mailing Lists
Eastern maintains electronic mailing lists for use by the campus community to facilitate communication within campus organizations. Mailing lists may also be created for other purposes provided the guidelines are met. Each list consists of two or more email addresses that are used to send...
rating 18 Apr, 2018
Impero Education Pro - Computer Lab Monitoring Software
This article is a features the Impero Education Pro online library of video tutorials that can be accessed here: Teacher Training Topics include but are not limited to: Impero Education Pro - Send Message Impero Education Pro - Send File Impero Education Pro - Collect File Impero Education...
rating 24 Feb, 2025
Labs and Facility Locations
To request a software installation in a lab or classroom fill out the Software Installation Form. IMPORTANT: For a printable quick reference guide to using the technology in the lecterns see Article 211: Lectern Console Quick Reference. For a complete list of labs and computer classrooms go to...
rating 2 Jun, 2020
OneDrive for the Mac - Files on Demand
Use OneDrive Files On-Demand for On-Campus Macs OneDrive for Business OneDrive OneDrive Files On-Demand helps you access all your files in OneDrive without having to download all of them and use storage space on your device. With Files On-Demand, you’ll see all your files in Mac...
rating 29 Mar, 2019
Purchasing Hardware and Software (Home Use and On Campus)
Purchasing Hardware and Software Faculty requests for new hardware and software should be directed to the department chair. Requests are prioritized by the department chair and forwarded to the Dean's office. CIT offers consultation on technical issues related to potential purchases. Please note...
rating 6 Jul, 2022
Recording Audio Over PowerPoint with Markup and Uploading to Blackboard
The following video will show you a quick and easy way to record audio over an existing PowerPoint. It includes using markup tools, and saving as a video to upload into Blackboard.
rating 3 Feb, 2021

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